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Monday, February 27, 2012

Mullah Santorum and women

I am writing and collecting pieces written on Mullah Santorum, Darwinian Ron Paul and Flip Flop Gingrich and not sure Romney. Of course that does not make Obama any better.  As Americans, what we have to see is the one who is least dangerous to social cohesion of America, if we are together, we can solve problems, but if we are divided, our energies are spent on fighting the issues with no end.

Animals were given horns to fight it out with the idea that the other must be decimated, whereas humans were given a tongue – to dialogue and find solutions. We have to use what is natural to us – to talk and find solutions. 

Some of the right wingers want to regress to be animals, because they believe removing, bombing or annihilating the other brings solutions.  

Well here is the collection on Santorum:. . .

Racist Santorum Calls For Ending Public Education, Prenatal Testing

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“I’ve been playing this little game with my friends. It’s called ‘Guess which seven states Santorum can win,’” said veteran Democratic strategist James Carville, who thinks Santorum’s stances against abortion, contraception and stem cell research make him a no-sale to women voters in all parties. Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0212/73234.html#ixzz1nHL87HFz
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I will be posting a few more here before he gets the boot.

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