Mike Ghouse (214) 325-1916 text/talk
Washington, D.C., Wednesday, October 7, 2015 -- A phone conference was held in by American Muslim and Interfaith leaders from across the country to discuss handling the anti-Muslim protests in front 20 mosques, community centers and government offices on October 9th and 10th.
Recommended suggestions:
· Masjid (Mosque) to operate normally, no need to stay home.
· Masjid to fly one or more American Flags.
· Masjid to serve water for the visitors in front of the building through vendors, and, if funds are available, serve kosher hot dogs.
· Display placards, which are especially designed and are on the website as samples
· Let every demonstrator be treated with utmost respect, and let them see for themselves a real image of Muslims as caring hospitable people, hopefully
that will change their negative perceptions about Muslims.
that will change their negative perceptions about Muslims.
· Let the law enforcement officials handle the safety matters, and obeying them is the right thing to do. You can video tape if something is wrong, but no arguments.
· Police should be informed and present if your Mosque is on the city targeted list in an open carry arm state.
· Refrains from the temptations to argue or shout back that is not the moment and a place for dialogue.
· Send a press release, a very short to local TV, Radio and other News outlets, better yet, fax them in the morning. (A sample press release is attached)
No one is our enemy, and no one is out to get us. They have questions, and we need to address them to allay their fears. We have to come together as Americans and solve our problems together.
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(To be faxed or emailed to your local media outlet by the Masjid – Customize to your own needs)
Muslims of _______ City have chosen to respond to anti-Muslim demonstrations with an open mind and constructively.
We believe in freedom of speech and freedom to protest and have collectively decided to treat the protestors as our honored guests and would welcome them.
We sincerely believe when they meet the average day to day Muslims, they will find a kindred spirit in them, similar to their own aspirations of taking care of the families, living in peace and harmony.
We have designated Mr. _____________ and Ms. _____________ to be our spokespersons, please feel free to contact them or stop by the mosque.
Mr. ___________________ Phone: __________________ Email: ________________
Ms. ___________________ Phone: __________________ Email: ________________
Mr. ___________________ Phone: __________________ Email: ________________
Ms. ___________________ Phone: __________________ Email: ________________
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