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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

TRUMP does not respect American constitution and speak like a dumb ass

TRUMP Knows a large number of his supporters are stupid and believe in him, he is right about that. http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/23/politics/donald-trump-new-jersey-cheering-september-11/
TRUMP does not respect American constitution and speaks like a dumb ass
TRUMP does not respect American constitution 
TRUMP does not give a shit about many, but then he does not give a shit about any, those who support him are as stupid as he is.
TRUMP is right, he is a dumb ass, let's not worry about being politically correct
TRUMP does not care about being politically correct, so the dumb ass has all the cess pool of crap supporting him for his stand.
TRUMP does not care about being right, Let's go at him and call him a dumb ass, and that makes his supporters dumb ass as well.

TRUMP is wrecking ball and would wreck America

TRUMP is irresonsible

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