Classified into three groups; Pluralism, Civic, and Islam
Ground Zero Mosque
This issue is engaging the American Public, both for and against, in this blog I will save the links of articles that come across my knowledge as a reference for the researchers. We have to find solutions for co-existence and sustainable harmony. It is a shrine and it is a catalyst to consciously create a society we desire; where all of us will learn to respect the otherness of other and accept the God given differences. It is anti-theatrical to radicals from all traditions.
Peter King Hearings
Quraan Conference
Myths are manufactured about others without any substantiation; it is an old business of maligning others to have a momentary gain. The purpose of this conference is to remove such myths in an open forum in the public and restore the cohesiveness of our society and build a safe and secure America. Details are in the link Qur’aan Conference. The holy book is about living in harmony with free will, there are mis-translations and mis-interpretations that are addressed, and it will done by non-Muslim clergy from all faiths.
International Conflicts
Our goal is to identify the conflicts across the globe and find pluralistic solutions. I believe peace is an outcome of justice and liberty to one and all. God has created each one of us and it is our responsibility to treat everyone as we would want to be treated. If we can learn to accept and respect the God given uniqueness to each one of the 7 billion of us, then conflicts fade and solutions emerge.
2665 Villa Creek Dr, Suite 206, Dallas, TX 75234 - USA
World Muslim Congress |
This site chronicles events that affect co-existence and offers solutions to build cohesive societies. It is about nurturing pluralistic values embedded in Islam.
Quraan Today
God wants his creation to co-exist in harmony and Qur’aan is God’s guidance to live in peace with oneself and what surrounds one; life and matter. There are nearly 25 translations available now with two of them deliberately mistranslated by the right wing European Kinds in 11th Century and right wing Muslims in the 20th century. At this time Mohammad Asad’s translation is recommended until a good one comes along where anyone on the earth can read it and feel that God wants all of us to live in peace and harmony. Finding the truth is your own responsibility.
Quraan Conference
Myths are manufactured about others without any substantiation; it is an old business of maligning others to have a momentary gain. The purpose of this conference is to remove such myths in an open forum in the public and restore the cohesiveness of our society and build a safe and secure America. Details are in the link Qur’aan Conference. The holy book is about living in harmony with free will, there are mis-translations and mis-interpretations that are addressed, and it will done by non-Muslim clergy from all faiths.
Sharia Laws
First of all, Sharia Law is not divine; it is the human interpretation of God’s word to create just societies, as with all human endeavors, a few clauses of Sharia Law needs amendments. I have made an effort to write in an easy to understand language. The personal Sharia guides an individual to live a life of piety and gratitude to the creator while the Public Sharia governs the relationships between individuals and the society like the civil laws. Like all other laws of any given society, abuses creep into Sharia Law as well. The old west mindset is still prevalent in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Sudan and Nigeria, where 50 other Muslim majorities nations are are in line with the civil laws of the world.
The American civil and criminal laws serve justice to all of her population and American Muslims have no desire to replace the American laws with Sharia. Even though the right wingers among Muslims like the right wingers among Christians dream of imposing their laws on others, the desire to impose on others stems out of insecurity and inability to handle the otherness of other.Muslim Press Releases Muslim Press releases concerning issues of the day. Since the formation of the organization in 2003, we have continuously condemned any wrong doing and appreciated the good work. Much of the work is the blogs listed on the site.
Dallas Muslim Center
The purpose of this site was to provide information about Dallas Muslims. The information is updated as and when I get the time.
Ramadan Exclusive
There are three great seminal articles on the spirit, politics and Rituals of Ramadan.In the spirit of Ramadan, I pray that Ramadan gets into our hearts and minds and make us embrace all factions of Muslims without undermining their tradition and further pray that we treat every human on the earth with dignity, respect and care. The first year to set the pace, I worshipped and did the Iftaar (breaking the fast at the dusk) in every Muslim Denomination including praying at Masjid-al-Aqsa, the third most revered place of worship for Muslims, that completes my pilgrimage to all the three Mosques.
That is indeed the wisdom expressed in Qur'an, Al-Hujurat, and Surah 49:13: "O mankind! We have created you male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. The noblest of you, in sight of God, is the best in conduct. God Knows and is Aware of everything you do."
Ground Zero Mosque
This issue is engaging the American Public, both for and against, in this blog I will save the links of articles that come across my knowledge as a reference for the researchers. We have to find solutions for co-existence and sustainable harmony. It is a shrine and it is a catalyst to consciously create a society we desire; where all of us will learn to respect the otherness of other and accept the God given differences. It is anti-theatrical to radicals from all traditions.
Peter King Hearings
Classified into three groups; Pluralism, Civic, and Islam
Foundation for Pluralism
Our mission is to encourage individuals to develop an open mind and an open heart toward their fellow beings. If we can learn to respect the otherness of other and accept the God (or Genetic) given uniqueness of each one of us, then conflicts fade and solutions emerge.Pluralism is an enhanced version of interfaith, in that, it is inclusive of Atheist, Humanistic and non-God centered traditions. Although Interfaith is getting to be inclusive, but the connotation is, it is about faith in God. Pluralism is complete embrace of humanity with no exclusion. If you breath and believe in certain things, welcome to the world of Pluralism.
Our mission is to encourage individuals to develop an open mind and an open heart toward their fellow beings. If we can learn to respect the otherness of other and accept the God (or Genetic) given uniqueness of each one of us, then conflicts fade and solutions emerge.Pluralism is an enhanced version of interfaith, in that, it is inclusive of Atheist, Humanistic and non-God centered traditions. Although Interfaith is getting to be inclusive, but the connotation is, it is about faith in God. Pluralism is complete embrace of humanity with no exclusion. If you breath and believe in certain things, welcome to the world of Pluralism.
Our mission is to encourage individuals to develop an open mind and an open heart toward their follow beings. If we can learn to accept the otherness of other, and respect the God given uniqueness of each one of the 7 billion of us, then conflicts fade and solutions emerge. We believe that knowledge leads to understanding and understanding to acceptance and appreciation of a different point of view.
Holocaust and Genocides
We have to learn and to acknowledge and reflect upon the terrible things we have inflicted upon each other and have to commit to ourselves to resist the temptations to be prejudiced and stereotype others. We cannot demand peace unless we are peaceful ourselves. Our safety hinges on the safety of others around us, and it behooves us to work for the safety and security of others on this little planet. We have to be continuously aware of the Holocaust and Genocides and prepare us to avert such tragedies.
We have to learn and to acknowledge and reflect upon the terrible things we have inflicted upon each other and have to commit to ourselves to resist the temptations to be prejudiced and stereotype others. We cannot demand peace unless we are peaceful ourselves. Our safety hinges on the safety of others around us, and it behooves us to work for the safety and security of others on this little planet. We have to be continuously aware of the Holocaust and Genocides and prepare us to avert such tragedies.
It is a purposeful event to bring Americans together. This is the 10th Anniversary of 9/11, from this day forward we hope to effect the change to make this UNITY DAY USA become a symbol of unity among Americans. On this Unity Day, we the people of the United States of America of every faith, race, ethnicity, culture and background will gather to express our commitment to co-existence, unity, prosperity and well being of our nation. It is an initiative to come together to stand up for the safety, security and cohesiveness of America.
Thanksgiving Celebrations
The purpose of celebrating this event is to thank God for helping us learn to accept, respect and appreciate each other’s uniqueness and;
1. Give thanks for the blessed life we all enjoy in these United States of America.
2. Celebrate the diversity of God's creation and enjoying the cultural heritage of each ethnic group.
3. Appreciate and recognize outstanding volunteers in each community.
4. Gather together as Immigrant Americans with naturally born Americans in celebrating this wonderful holiday.
5. For many of the immigrants it is an introduction to the American way of life.
The purpose of celebrating this event is to thank God for helping us learn to accept, respect and appreciate each other’s uniqueness and;
1. Give thanks for the blessed life we all enjoy in these United States of America.
2. Celebrate the diversity of God's creation and enjoying the cultural heritage of each ethnic group.
3. Appreciate and recognize outstanding volunteers in each community.
4. Gather together as Immigrant Americans with naturally born Americans in celebrating this wonderful holiday.
5. For many of the immigrants it is an introduction to the American way of life.
Hate Sermons
The purpose of this blog is to make ourselves aware of those who peddle hate for a buck. They don't care for Islam, Israel, America, Conservative values, their God is money! These men are born to sell hate for cash, and as long as there are suckers out there, these parasites grow and enrich themselves and probably laugh at the nincompoops for falling prey to them.
The purpose of this blog is to make ourselves aware of those who peddle hate for a buck. They don't care for Islam, Israel, America, Conservative values, their God is money! These men are born to sell hate for cash, and as long as there are suckers out there, these parasites grow and enrich themselves and probably laugh at the nincompoops for falling prey to them.
Terrorism counter Terrorism is as much a product of the society as religion, politics and peace. No one has a right to take the life of another human being, and nothing would ever justify killing. We condemn all terrorism unequivocally and add that, Religion is never the cause of Terrorism . We take a principle stand on this blog. Although religion receives a bad rap, religion is not the cause of terrorism. Terrorism is present in every society. No society is free from it and we need to quit blaming any one and find solutions. To err is human. Terrorists come from all name brands; Atheist, Bahai, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Native Indians, Native Africans, Sikh, Shinto, Tao or Zoroastrian. Again, it is not the religion, it is the insecure individual with that brand name. We have a choice to blame the entire group and cause more friction and more terrorism on our part, or isolate the criminals and punish them. Terrorism is as much a product of the society as religion, politics and peace. No one has a right to take the life of another human being, and nothing would ever justify killing. We condemn all terrorism unequivocally and add that, Religion is never the cause of Terrorism . We take a principle stand on this blog. Although religion receives a bad rap, religion is not the cause of terrorism. Terrorism is present in every society. No society is free from it and we need to quit blaming any one and find solutions. To err is human. Terrorists come from all name brands; Atheist, Bahai, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Native Indians, Native Africans, Sikh, Shinto, Tao or Zoroastrian. Again, it is not the religion, it is the insecure individual with that brand name. We have a choice to blame the entire group and cause more friction and more terrorism on our part, or isolate the criminals and punish them.
Pluralism Questions Ask question you may have on pluralism, and I will find the answers for you. Ask question you may have on pluralism, and I will find the answers for you.
Dallas Interfaith Center
Website to monitor the Dallas Interfaith activities.
Website to monitor the Dallas Interfaith activities.
Ground Zero Mosque
This issue is engaging the American Public, both for and against, in this blog I will save the links of articles that come across my knowledge as a reference for the researchers. We have to find solutions for co-existence and sustainable harmony. It is a shrine and it is a catalyst to consciously create a society we desire; where all of us will learn to respect the otherness of other and accept the God given differences. It is anti-theatrical to radicals from all traditions.
Peter King Hearings
We are concerned about the hearings and hope and pray that Mr. King would be honest, sincere and fair, although his record is marred with bigotry. We hope he will not destroy the fabric of our society and pit one American against the other. If he does, the American people will not put up with it, as they have done that time and again. I trust our system and our people who have stood up against Vietnam War, Iraq war and supported abortion and civil rights and one of these days’ rights for GLBT and every American.
Quraan Conference
Myths are manufactured about others without any substantiation; it is an old business of maligning others to have a momentary gain. The purpose of this conference is to remove such myths in an open forum in the public and restore the cohesiveness of our society and build a safe and secure America. Details are in the link Qur’aan Conference. The holy book is about living in harmony with free will, there are mis-translations and mis-interpretations that are addressed, and it will done by non-Muslim clergy from all faiths.
Presently, under Civil Societies we have Nine (9) Blogs with a singular theme of building cohesive societies.
2665 Villa Creek Dr, Suite 206
Dallas, TX 75234 - USA
Americans together
we are pleased to announce the launch of America Together foundation, committed to building a cohesive America. The organization will focus on bringing Americans together with a series of educational programs to address the critical issues facing our nation in an open forum to find pluralistic solutions to restore the cohesiveness of our society and work towards building a safe and secure America. No American has to live in anxieties, discomfort or fear of the other.Standing up for others
2665 Villa Creek Dr, Suite 206
Dallas, TX 75234 - USA
Americans together
we are pleased to announce the launch of America Together foundation, committed to building a cohesive America. The organization will focus on bringing Americans together with a series of educational programs to address the critical issues facing our nation in an open forum to find pluralistic solutions to restore the cohesiveness of our society and work towards building a safe and secure America. No American has to live in anxieties, discomfort or fear of the other.Standing up for others
It is inspiring to see those who stand up for others.Standing up for others is the right thing to do, every human goes through a period of invincibility to vulnerability, if we don't stand up for those who are vulnerable, then who will stand up for us when we are vulnerable?
I have a dream, a dream to strengthen the pluralistic values of America, and the desire to encourage the community of nations to review our values of Liberty, Justice and co-existence as catalysts for prosperity. No community or a nation can have undue advantages over others. Such benefits are temporary and deleterious to lasting peace. We have to maintain a healthy balance within our communities and with all nations, what is good for America, has got to be good for the world and vice versa.
Israel Palestine dialogue
The real threat to the peace process between Israel and Palestine stems from their inability to look at their own policies critically. It is time to quit blaming and start finding solutions. Damn it, the leaders ought to be ashamed of them if they cannot look in the eyes of Palestinian and Israeli Children and commit to give them a better life. The leaders need to learn that, they cannot have peace and security when they keep threatening others around them, period.
The real threat to the peace process between Israel and Palestine stems from their inability to look at their own policies critically. It is time to quit blaming and start finding solutions. Damn it, the leaders ought to be ashamed of them if they cannot look in the eyes of Palestinian and Israeli Children and commit to give them a better life. The leaders need to learn that, they cannot have peace and security when they keep threatening others around them, period.
We have to take interests in our City, its governance, its civic responsibility. The blog is created to increase the awareness of it. It is a chronicle of my involvement in the affairs of my City.
We are proud of our heritage - a multi-faith, multi-cultural, multi-regional and multi-linguistic society, where we have come to accept and respect every which way people have lived their lives. For over 5000 years, India has been a beacon of pluralism - it has embraced Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Baha’i and Zoroastrianism to include in the array of the indigenous religions; Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism. I am proud of my heritage and am proud to be an Indian-American.
International Conflicts
Our goal is to identify the conflicts across the globe and find pluralistic solutions. I believe peace is an outcome of justice and liberty to one and all. God has created each one of us and it is our responsibility to treat everyone as we would want to be treated. If we can learn to accept and respect the God given uniqueness to each one of the 7 billion of us, then conflicts fade and solutions emerge.
INCREASINGLY FOCUSED ON competitiveness and profits, the mainstream American media is under pressure for its own survival. Indeed, it is at a critical juncture of having to choose between fulfilling its societal responsibility and succumbing to the political compulsions of our times. As a society we need to evaluate the importance of the media in our American system of governance. Does it still play the crucial role the founding fathers of our nation had envisioned for it?
2665 Villa Creek Dr, Suite 206, Dallas, TX 75234 - USA
The following twelve (12) blogs highlight and nurture the pluralistic values embedded in Islam. To be a Muslim is to be a peacemaker, one who seeks to mitigate conflicts and nurtures goodwill for peaceful co-existence.
Islam Together Foundation The organization is committed to bring Muslims together regardless of the denomination, it is something every Muslims dreams of, it is coming together to do good for humanity. What is good for Muslims has got to be good for the world and vice versa to sustain peace and goodwill for years to come. Our Mission The organization is committed to bring Muslims together regardless of the denomination, it is something every Muslims dreams of, it is coming together to do good for humanity. What is good for Muslims has got to be good for the world and vice versa to sustain peace and goodwill for years to come. Our Mission
World Muslim Congress |
This site chronicles events that affect co-existence and offers solutions to build cohesive societies. It is about nurturing pluralistic values embedded in Islam.
Quraan Today
God wants his creation to co-exist in harmony and Qur’aan is God’s guidance to live in peace with oneself and what surrounds one; life and matter. There are nearly 25 translations available now with two of them deliberately mistranslated by the right wing European Kinds in 11th Century and right wing Muslims in the 20th century. At this time Mohammad Asad’s translation is recommended until a good one comes along where anyone on the earth can read it and feel that God wants all of us to live in peace and harmony. Finding the truth is your own responsibility.
Quraan Conference
Myths are manufactured about others without any substantiation; it is an old business of maligning others to have a momentary gain. The purpose of this conference is to remove such myths in an open forum in the public and restore the cohesiveness of our society and build a safe and secure America. Details are in the link Qur’aan Conference. The holy book is about living in harmony with free will, there are mis-translations and mis-interpretations that are addressed, and it will done by non-Muslim clergy from all faiths.
Sharia Laws
First of all, Sharia Law is not divine; it is the human interpretation of God’s word to create just societies, as with all human endeavors, a few clauses of Sharia Law needs amendments. I have made an effort to write in an easy to understand language. The personal Sharia guides an individual to live a life of piety and gratitude to the creator while the Public Sharia governs the relationships between individuals and the society like the civil laws. Like all other laws of any given society, abuses creep into Sharia Law as well. The old west mindset is still prevalent in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Sudan and Nigeria, where 50 other Muslim majorities nations are are in line with the civil laws of the world.
The American civil and criminal laws serve justice to all of her population and American Muslims have no desire to replace the American laws with Sharia. Even though the right wingers among Muslims like the right wingers among Christians dream of imposing their laws on others, the desire to impose on others stems out of insecurity and inability to handle the otherness of other.Muslim Press Releases Muslim Press releases concerning issues of the day. Since the formation of the organization in 2003, we have continuously condemned any wrong doing and appreciated the good work. Much of the work is the blogs listed on the site.
Dallas Muslim Center
The purpose of this site was to provide information about Dallas Muslims. The information is updated as and when I get the time.
Ramadan Exclusive
There are three great seminal articles on the spirit, politics and Rituals of Ramadan.In the spirit of Ramadan, I pray that Ramadan gets into our hearts and minds and make us embrace all factions of Muslims without undermining their tradition and further pray that we treat every human on the earth with dignity, respect and care. The first year to set the pace, I worshipped and did the Iftaar (breaking the fast at the dusk) in every Muslim Denomination including praying at Masjid-al-Aqsa, the third most revered place of worship for Muslims, that completes my pilgrimage to all the three Mosques.
That is indeed the wisdom expressed in Qur'an, Al-Hujurat, and Surah 49:13: "O mankind! We have created you male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. The noblest of you, in sight of God, is the best in conduct. God Knows and is Aware of everything you do."
Ground Zero Mosque
This issue is engaging the American Public, both for and against, in this blog I will save the links of articles that come across my knowledge as a reference for the researchers. We have to find solutions for co-existence and sustainable harmony. It is a shrine and it is a catalyst to consciously create a society we desire; where all of us will learn to respect the otherness of other and accept the God given differences. It is anti-theatrical to radicals from all traditions.
Peter King Hearings
We are concerned about the hearings and hope and pray that Mr. King would be honest, sincere and fair, although his record is marred with bigotry. We hope he will not destroy the fabric of our society and pit one American against the other. If he does, the American people will not put up with it, as they have done that time and again. I trust our system and our people who have stood up against Vietnam War, Iraq war and supported abortion and civil rights and one of these days’ rights for GLBT and every American.
MikeGhouse is a speaker, thinker and a writer on pluralism, politics, peace making, foreign policy, Islam, interfaith, and cohesion at work place or social settings. He is committed to building a Cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day at Mike has a strong presence on national local TV, Radio and Print Media, and is a frequent guest on Sean Hannity show on Fox TV, and a commentator on national radio networks, he contributes weekly to the Texas Faith Column at Dallas Morning News, fortnightly at Huffington post, and several other periodicals across the world. His personal site indexes everything you want to know about him.
Women in Islam
Whether it is the American society, India, Chinese, Mexican, Greek, Arab or the English Autocrats, men have always taken advantage of women. While a few Muslim men shamelessly beat their wives, a few African men mutilate the women genitally do deprive them of the joys of live, a few American men will brutally kill their wives or drown them under water, Hindu Mother in laws may douse the women in Kerosene. While a few men will not go to a place of worship where women preach, the other would not shake hands with females that include Imams, Rabbis, Monks and Priests. No one can cast the first stone and all us must work on creating a spiritual balance and harmony between men and women to have a peaceful life with the fear of waiting for the opportunity to get even. Without any reserve men and women have equal rights in Quraan and Islam, even a few of the Muslims have misunderstood the value Islam places on justness and fairness.
Blasphemy Laws
The purpose of this site is to bring together differing views on Blasphemy, and develop an understanding from Islamic point of view for the good of all humanity. Current Blasphemy laws and practices do not go with the values of Islam; free will and respect for life. Quraan prohibits judgment, prejudice is discouraged and there is no punishment for the ones who maligns God or his prophet. It is a political tool of oppression by right wingers among Muslims.
Whether it is the American society, India, Chinese, Mexican, Greek, Arab or the English Autocrats, men have always taken advantage of women. While a few Muslim men shamelessly beat their wives, a few African men mutilate the women genitally do deprive them of the joys of live, a few American men will brutally kill their wives or drown them under water, Hindu Mother in laws may douse the women in Kerosene. While a few men will not go to a place of worship where women preach, the other would not shake hands with females that include Imams, Rabbis, Monks and Priests. No one can cast the first stone and all us must work on creating a spiritual balance and harmony between men and women to have a peaceful life with the fear of waiting for the opportunity to get even. Without any reserve men and women have equal rights in Quraan and Islam, even a few of the Muslims have misunderstood the value Islam places on justness and fairness.
Blasphemy Laws
The purpose of this site is to bring together differing views on Blasphemy, and develop an understanding from Islamic point of view for the good of all humanity. Current Blasphemy laws and practices do not go with the values of Islam; free will and respect for life. Quraan prohibits judgment, prejudice is discouraged and there is no punishment for the ones who maligns God or his prophet. It is a political tool of oppression by right wingers among Muslims.
MikeGhouse is a speaker, thinker and a writer on pluralism, politics, peace making, foreign policy, Islam, interfaith, and cohesion at work place or social settings. He is committed to building a Cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day at Mike has a strong presence on national local TV, Radio and Print Media, and is a frequent guest on Sean Hannity show on Fox TV, and a commentator on national radio networks, he contributes weekly to the Texas Faith Column at Dallas Morning News, fortnightly at Huffington post, and several other periodicals across the world. His personal site indexes everything you want to know about him.