Sunday, October 21, 2012

Mitt Romney by Mike Ghouse

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Romney chapter closed after 44 pieces. 

Candidate Romney lost to Obama 206 to 332 in electoral Votes and 59 to 62 Million votes casted.

I was disappointed in Romney for delaying to give the concession speech, he was not believing that he lost, even at 280 electoral votes, he took time to get out and concede. That is not typical of the president. He beat me over the civility piece I wrote at Dallas Morning News below in # 1

As a Republican, I was rooting for Romney until I realized, I did not know him.  No one knows which Avatar of Romney will make it, the moderate, conservative or the one for himself. He has spared none, he has betrayed Republican conservatives more than anyone else... Moderate Republicans as well ... Now if we the Republicans wake up to save the nation from Chaos we can make a difference and save the nation. Romney's actions (listed below) will push America into Chaos and Regress it back to Bush's 2008 America, while Obama's efforts will continue to bring stability to America.

Since June 2011, I have written many pieces about him.

Here is my  43rd  Piece on Romney, latest on top.

Mike Ghouse 
  1. Texas Faith: After Elections do we become one? The most beautiful thing that will happen tonight is an expression of our civility, which is the highlight of our democracy, a lesson other nations are looking to emulate. 

    Texas Faith: Do we thirst too much for political leaders?
    We can deal with the resolute Obama rather than a wishy-washy Romney with no convictions of being a moderate, liberal or conservative. As a moderate Republican, I was hoping for Mitt Romney to be our next president, but I am afraid he will repeal everything on his first day in the office; derail the stabilizing economy and job situation, mess with health security, control women’s freedom, be unkind towards gays and lesbians, and ignore the ones in ditches. I would rather have Barack Obama’s stability than Romney’s chaos - Mike Ghouse
  2. Resolute Obama v. Wishy-washy Romney (Image only)
  3. Protect yourselves from Politics
    Congratulations to those who have voted for Obama or Romney and urge you to go vote. Don't let your friend's support for the other candidate make you angry... Let our attitudes be, “I'm fine with your choice and I hope you are fine with my choice.”
  4. Presidential candidates pledge to the flag of Israel (Cartoon)
    The Israelis must be laughing at these guys racing to prove who is loyal to Israel. Jews need sincerity and not duplicity to feel secure. There was another cartoon, where the candidates were in a competition, "who licks the most" while Netanyahu was enjoying the service.
  5. Final Presidential debate in Boca Raton
    Romney did not lose the debate, but Obama gained the points with independent voters. I watched the debate at Angelica Theater in Dallas and it was hilarious, as the public was making comments while booing cheering and jeering, it was a lively debate. The first big laugh came when Romney said he believed in gender equality, rights for women overseas...
  6. Domestic policy and the Presidential candidates

    I have never been alarmed about the future of America as Iam now. We have gone through bad times, losing jobs, foreclosure of homes, living on food stamps, budget deficit, sacrifice of thousands of Americans in wars and devastation of other nations and deaths of millions of civilians, and finally we have a grip on the situation and don't like to see a reversal of this.
  7. Romney’s Chaotic America or Obama’s stabilizing America?
    No one knows which Avatar of Romney will make it, the moderate, conservative or the one for himself. He has spared none, he has betrayed Republican conservatives more than anyone else... Moderate Republicans as well ... Now if we the Republicans wake up to save the nation from Chaos we can make a difference and save the nation. Romney's actions (listed below) will push America into Chaos and Regress it back to Bush's 2008 America, while Obama's efforts will continue to bring stability to America. URL -
  8. Don’t’ Miss Romney Humor at Al Smith Dinner I have not missed the Al Smith Dinner talk at Catholic Church in New York for three election cycles. Friends, this is America, where the President and his challenge poke fun at each other in good humor. Then there is another dinner where President invites the Media that is a roaring dinner as well. This is American Humor at its best, watch the guys sitting behind Romney, explaining the jokes….
  9. 2nd Presidential debate between Obama and Romney Though Romney was good, he came across as a criticizer than a problem solver, where as Obama missed a few good opportunities that could have sealed him a clear victory. Obama will regain at least two points lead over Romney following this debate.
  10. America First - Go with Obama, and not Romney for stability Romney has not matured in his convictions; he is in the experimentation stage, trying to see which statement will work. He has two different views, a private view that he shares with the ones who give him money, and the public view that gives the appearance of inclusiveness. How deep is either view? God only knows. I don't know which Romney I will get at the end. Even the GOP is not sure. Obama is a sure thing
  11. Texas Faith: Does President Obama need to “own God?” What happened in the first debate was an aberration; it was neither Romney nor Obama we knew. Indeed, God is part of their daily lives, and both of them will invoke God in the next debate as a part of their routine and not as a monkey see monkey do thing.
  12. Obama's last but one chance to gain over Romney
  13. First Presidential Debate watch with Democrats
  14. SMU-DMN Election forum on common good
  15. Obama Leads Romney by 10%

  16. Shouldn't Bush Support Romney as Clinton does for BushMost moderate Republicans were banking on Romney’s moderation, including me, but Romney slipped, he assumed the only way to get elected was to turn to the right, who did have a good record of turning around in 2010, gaining a majority in the house.
  17. Do I want Romney to be my President? Hell No! I am usually tempered; I'll come loose now with the new Romney video. He does not even want to ask nearly half of the Americans to vote for him?
  18. Romney, there you go again Romney: Hey Carl, did you watch the DNC convention? They had every American representation speak out there, boy, if Americans watched that they will not vote for me?
  19. Republicans for Obama I have been a Republican in every sense of the party. However, the party has been taken over by radical men and women who are bent on destroying the cohesive fabric of America. I will not run from it: instead I will stick with them and hope to raise hell and bring sanity.
  20. Are we better off now than four years ago?I shudder at the thought of America, had McCain become the president. I know Mr. McCain’s proclivities, itching for war, and eagerness to show “them boys” who we are. He would have gone to war with Libya, Tunisia, Yemen, Egypt, Syria and Iran and no doubt we would have carpet bombed and burned those nations to the ground, but it would have ruined America, even more than the Iraq war had done. We would have been devastated. At least I have an America now that did not run aground, thanks to President Obama's foreign policy.
  21. Severe Questions for Romney Your success is inspiring, and I hope it will be replicated around America. However, I have a dozen severe questions for you
  22. Best and Worst of Republican Convention speeches  I will give an A to Paul Ryan, if he can lean towards the Moderate majority, I will give him an A+. It was stunning speech. He offered one of the best explanations on the faith differential between Romney and him. This is advancement in Republican thinking and I am glad to see them catch up with the idea of Pluralism, maybe it is just Ryan, and I hope he means it for the whole nation and not just a convention talk.
  23. Do republicans have an Ayn Rand problem?The problem Republicans have is “a policy coup by some hardnosed people,” in the words of Gen. Wesley Clark. The right among Republicans is attempting to take over the direction of this country and pushing for policies that will break the cohesive fabric of America.
  24. Republicans and Mike Ghouse
  25. Romney Ryan are not worth standing up for.
  26. Does Romney give a flip about Israel?
  27. Romney digs his own grave
  28. Texas Faith - God and religion have gone
  29. Is Romney the cat with NAACP or the mouse with NRA
  30. Bad news for Romney
  31. The Ghouse Texas Faith - Mormon  Moment
  32. Obama victory is certain if Santorum is the guy
  33. How do we create a common good today?
  34. Romney and 'America Together' on Sean
  35. The Ghouse Diary: South Carolina Republican  Debate
  36. Evangelicals ganging up on Romney
  37. Romney wins New Hampshire
  38. Iowa Republican caucus notes
  39. Mitt Romney, you can do this, others don't have ...
  40. Embarassing Presidential debate on  11.12.11
  41. Perry will be the nominee if he keeps up
  42. Presidential debate on Fox News
  43. Texas Faith: How should Huntsman and Romney handle

Mike Ghouse
(214) 325-1916

MikeGhouse is
professional speaker, thinker and a writer on pluralism, politics, foreign policy, Islam, interfaith and peaceful societies. He is committed to building a Cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day at Mike has a strong national and local presence in TV, Radio and Print Media, and is a frequent guest on Sean Hannity show on Fox TV, and a commentator on national radio networks, he contributes weekly to the Texas Faith Column at Dallas Morning News, fortnightly at Huffington post, and several other periodicals across the world. His personal site indexes everything you want to know about him. 

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