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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Vande Mataram Conflict

Vande Mataram is one of the many National songs of India, whereas,
Jana Gana Mana Adhi Nayaka Jaya hai is India's National Anthem.

Thank God for our Democracy, no one should be compelled to sing anything or coerced to do anything. This keeps erupting every few years, and purely motivated by the politics and nothing to do with patriotism of motherland. I have written quite extensively on this and some of the comments are nice too.

The divisive forces in India demand that Vande Mataram be made compulsory, this goes against the very essence of democracy; which is freedom to agree and freedom to dissent. Fascism on the other hand is forcing conformity.

These forces need to respect our democracy which has given them the freedom to speak. Had Indira Gandhi succeeded in her emergency rule, they all would have been shut out. They should be grateful that our democracy is a vibrant one and take pride in the values of freedom enshrined in our constitution

Vande Mataram includes the following lines;
Listed at: http://mikeghouseforindia.blogspot.com/2009/11/vande-matram-controversy.html

Mike Ghouse


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