Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Iran deal is a good deal for America, Israel, Iran and the world

I was with Sean Hannity and Pamela Geller about the Iran deal today.  It is relayed across 250 Radio Stations in America,  find yours at

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We vehemently disagreed on the issue. I am for the deal, Sean and Pamela were against it. Sean is wrong again as he has been about Egypt, I told him that Morsi will not last and he has not. Unfortunately Egypt is not in the hands of people but with a tyrant who has no qualms in murdering people. We should condemn that. That's a familiar path treaded by Saddam, Shah and Gaddafi.

It is always good to debate, discuss and find the issues that need further knowledge. Hannity is wrong on the deal, it is the best thing that has happened – It is good for Israel, America, Iran and the world. I am writing a full article on this topic.

Khomeini did not say to wipe out Israel, he said about ending the Zionist regime, but not Jews, not Judaism and not Israel. Juan Carlos has written about it.

I do not agree with Khomeini on that, every group of people have a right to self determination and security of their people, so do Zionists. Even, we do the same if we disagree with the others; regime change.

Iran deal it good for Israel, one less threat to them; good for the United States, lower gas prices and more disposable income to Americans It is good for Iran, it will bring some sanity to the region, instead of nuclear proliferation it will lead to cooperation, and it is good for the world peace. Obama has prevented Iran from becoming North Korea. Thanks to him.

Click to Enlarge

Please check the above, it is by the Jewish organizations. . its good stuff - click on the image to see larger version. Mr. Netanyahu is the pied piper who will hurt Israel's long term security with his destructive attitude, he will isolate the country of Israel by slapping the worlds 6 powerful nations on their face that the agreement they made is wrong, no, he is wrong and not the world.

The American Jewish people are not with him either, but some of the evangelicals are...who want to make a villain out of Jesus. Instead of Jesus coming back on his own terms, these dudes want him to come now and that comes with being unjust to the Palestinians, as if Jesus does not care about human life.

You should read some of the Jewish intellectual writings to understand the genuine needs of Jewish people; long term security.

I don't trust the Mullahs, but don't trust Netanyahu's government either, but I trust the people of Israel and people of Iran. Neither should be hurt.

This is the first non-war mongering president in a long time and he is not eager to go to a reckless war and screw up America while messing up others nations. God bless him.
God gave humans an ability to talk and resolve the issues, whereas animals were endowed with horns, fangs and paws to resolve. Obama has done what humans ought to do.

More Later:

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    . & square off on “European Refugee Crisis” with me on radio via YouTube 
Mike is a speaker, thinker, writer, pluralist, TV-Radio commentator and a human rights activist committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. His info in 63 links at and writings at 

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