Saturday, January 9, 2016

Why I love America! Congressman Sessions and Veasey

Why I love America |
This is what makes America great; big men being ordinary with no air of arrogance. 

January 8, 2016, Reagan Airport, Washington, D.C. -- Congressman Pete sessions is a charming political leader, as I walked towards him at the airport, he stretched his arm to shake hands and called my name out!  He has always done that. No wonder he is unshakable in the 32nd Congressional District in Texas. He has an incredible memory!

He then introduced me to Congressman Michael Burgess and another prominent Congressman.  I am embarrassed not to remember his name, especially after extolling Sessions for his memory.   We were all flying to Dallas.

Long time ago, I had introduced Sessions to the Desi community on my Radio Show in Dallas, and have been a supporter of him ever since, when you meet him once, there is no way you will walk out without liking him.  

Ghouse, Sessions
Veasey | Sessions

I was a Republican for most of my life in America, but chose to become an Independent in 2014 to allow me to support the right candidates be it Republican or Democrats.  The only regret of my life is voting for Ted Cruz, I wish he represented values of inclusion,  and the most joyous and heartfelt vote was for Obama twice! Remember, I am a moderate like most Americans and we don’t have bias towards either Republicans or Democrats, it is because of the struggle between the two in contributing towards a stable Republic, oops, Government!  

Pete Sessions and I had a good conversation, and he appreciated and encouraged what we did at the Lincoln Memorial. “Rally against ISIS and Terrorism” and celebrating “Jesus and Prophet Muhammad’s birthday jointly.”He and I will get together in a few weeks; I want to hear him out, to find solutions for the perceptions about Muslims in America and what he has to offer to fix the problem.  As Americans, we are all committed to the safety and security of America. 

Sessions also mentioned about passing away of Dr. Hasan Bukhari, his neighbor, and a community leader in Dallas, and I'll have to call Niki Bukhari his daughter and Talat Bukhari his wife to express my heartfelt condolences to them. I have been to their house.

What I love about America is the unassuming simplicity we all live with. They stood in line like everyone else, and walked in after the first class passengers boarded. I was in group 2, they were in group 1, as I walked into the plane towards row 18, I saw Congressman Mark Veasey on row 16, another great congressman from Fort Worth, and we are friends as well and communicate on Face book. 

Sessions and I were in the same row, and little later, the man sitting next to him in the aisle seat went to the rest room, Veasey came to talk with Sessions, after a while he turned to me and wanted to introduce me to Sessions, we laughed. We all knew each other. It is so good to see the Democrats and Republicans sit together, there are a lot of things that are bi-partisan and I hope a day will come when most of the things would get bi-partisan support. 

I thanked Veasey for signing H.Res.569 - Condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States.  He was not sure what I was talking about, but was graceful about it.  I came home and checked, he has not yet signed it, so I am going to request him and Pete Sessions and Michael Burgess to consider signing it.   

Then I walked the plane to see if I will run into Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, Congressmen Ralph Hall and Kenny Marchant, all my friends from Texas. By the way Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson has signed the HR. 569.

In all, there were 4 senior congressmen, all flying economy!  The other day our Surgeon General Dr. Murthy flew in economy from Phoenix to DC in economy. I was expecting them to fly First class, and glad they fly economy, that is wisely using the tax dollars.  This is what makes America great; big men being ordinary with no air of arrogance. 

I asked Congressman Sessions, what he wants to see Muslims do. He was ready, integration and be a part of the society; inculcate the values to be patriotic Americans. Report any bad elements and make America safer for everyone. That is what my friend Sean Hannity would have said.

It's an amazing coincidence, I wrote this note a few days ago that I shared it with Congressman Sessions,  "American Muslims are more patriotic than an average American, and they have more at stake in defending and preserving the freedom and will do every right thing to make sure America is safe for everyone.” Indeed, I have made a statement on Sean Hannity Show on Fox News that the only thing I will fight for in my life is to defend our freedom, to me nothing is greater than the God given freedom to each one of us, and I will die for it, if I have to, to protect it for all of us. That is indeed an inalienable right.

Send a note to these two gentlemen that you appreciate them:

Congressman Pete Sessions (R) -
Congressman Mark Veasey (D) -

Thank you,

Mike Ghouse, 
(214) 325-1916
Washington, DC 

Dr. Mike Ghouse is a community consultant, social scientist, thinker, writer, newsmaker and a professional speaker on PluralismInterfaithIslam, terrorism,  human rights, and foreign policy.  Mike is committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. More about him in 63 links at and his writings are at

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