Monday, September 17, 2012

Stereotyping Muslims don't make sense

Every day I encounter men and women who are afraid of Islam, and I will do my best to allay the fears, rather their phobias.  I will make a few attempts, if they are determined not to see another point of view, I pray for them and leave the door open to be loving persons again, whenever it hits upon them, it is good to be  a good being. 

My conversation with a Joe on face book resulted in posting the following.

Joe, who is flawed, individual, religion or the law books?
If a single mother were to ask you, if she is safe to go to New York?

Based on statistics below, would you say - don’t go to New York, they are murderers. In 2010 they murdered 866 people, and sure don;’t go there, they are rapists, they raped 2, 771 women.

New York (2010) -  2,771 Rapes - 866 Murders - 64,973 bugalries

Likewise, if someone advises against going to Dallas, my City, I will say baloney. I have been living here for over 30 years, Rape and Murder is a shameful fact of life, but thousands that I know for a long time, go to work and come back home.  (Although one of my friends was shot two nights ago when he was on his way to the bank)

Dallas (2010) - 505 Rapes - 148 Murders - 19,594 Burglaries


3 Million (9/10th of 1%) Americans are incarcerated, is it fair for the Russians to say, don’t go to America, they are criminals. Are all Americans Criminals, or the less than a percent of individuals?  Same laws apply to the violators as well as law abiding citizens, yet some violated and you and I have not. 1% does not abide, while the 99% does abide - does it make sense to declare that our laws are flawed?

Nuclear Power lights up our homes and offices in the hands of good engineers, the same nuclear power can kill millions - who do you blame, Nuclear power or the (ab)user?

1/10th of 1% of Muslims are extremists, and same percent is good for all groups, be it religious, racial or ethnic…   is it the religion or the individuals?

Have you seen the statistics on Muslims protesting worldwide? Its 0.001%

I hope you consider reassessing your hate for Muslims or any one. Finding the truth is your own responsibility, and when you do find the truth, your anxiety, apprehension and fear recedes and you will have a different language.

I am a Muslim and I have contributed at least my personal share of work in making America a better place for every one of us - in building a cohesive America, where no American has to live in apprehension or fear of the other.

I urge you to re-evaluate, if you are serious about understanding, I will be happy to address your concerns about Islam and Muslims

Mike Ghouse is committed to building a Cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. He is a professional speaker, thinker and a writer on pluralism, politics, civic affairsIslamIndiaIsrael, peace and justice. Mike is a frequent guest onSean Hannity show on Fox TV, and a commentator on national radio networks, he contributes weekly to the Texas Faith Column at Dallas Morning News and regularly atHuffington post, and several other periodicals across the world. The is updated daily. 

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