Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Michelle Bachman’s ugly and John McCain heroic moment

I have not taken a political stand on the basis of party lines, nor do I intend to.  But I do take a stand against individuals who are messing up our nation.  

Congresswoman Michelle Bachman has proven herself to make the statements that have no basis in truth. There have been a number of interviews with her staff members and advisors, during the presidential run; she routinely embarrassed her staff with her thoughtless remarks.  I would not be surprised if her constituency dumps her in the next election bid out of embarrassment.

She shoots her mouth off again and says that the Muslim brotherhood is infiltrating into the white house. Decent folks and others have asked her to provide evidence, and she comes with up flimsy gossip material from Frank Gaffney, who is a successful businessman in convincing nincompoops like Bachman.  She comes up with names like Keith Ellison and Huma Abideen as the brotherhood link. Baloney!

Edward Rollins, her former chief of staff had to say this today, “I have to say that Congresswoman Michele Bachman’s outrageous and false charges against a top aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin reaches that threshold.
ABC  News reports “Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., took to the Senate floor today to rip apart his fellow Republicans’ accusations and came to the defense of Abedin, whom he calls  a “fine and decent American,” after observing her work as both a long-time aide to Clinton while she was a Senator and as the Secretary of State.”  He powered it up further, “no one, “not least a member of Congress,” should launch such a “degrading attack against fellow Americans on the basis of nothing more than fear of who they are an ignorance of that hey stand for.”

I admire Senator McCain for having the courage to speak up, though I disagree with his hawkish foreign policy.  He took a stand for what is right, and against what was wrong.   We need more men and women like him in the Senate and the Congress. Congressman Keith Ellison must be admired as well for relentlessly pursuing to purge this nonsense by demanding facts, and not putting up with her non-sense.

The heroic McCain Moment
It takes one good man to change the course of history, and one bad one to worsen it, we have seen it.

The McCain Moment was one of the finest moments in history of the world. He must have listened to Martin Niemoller’s poem during Holocaust.  When he spoke up, there was a chance that he would be barked at and bulldozed by the opportunists among Republicans; he dared them, because he was righteous.   He broke away from the communitarianist Republicans among us, and expressed his individualism boldly, thank God; the sheep jumped right behind him. Thanks to  Ed Rollins, John Boehner and other among a few  for giving strength to his voice. It could have gone the other way as well and weaken him, if it was not McCain.
Michelle Bachman’s ugly moment
She had miserably failed in her bid for Presidency with her senseless rhetoric. She had difficulty even getting 50 people to attend her talk once or twice, it was pathetic to watch.   She may have been brainwashed to believe that by barking at Muslims, she can gain some additional advantage from the non-existent (substantial) supporters.  She probably was desperate to be on the national scene and thought, she had an opportunity to be nominated to the vice president or some such thing, should that have happened, she would have sunk the Republican Party for a long time to come and screwed Americans from having checks and balances without a strong opposition in the house and the senate.

As a disclosure, I am a Republican, a moderate one; a majority of us feel pity for the radical ones in our party but do not speak up, most of us do not have the balls to speak up against loose mouths, however we do it at the ballot.   We dumped them all; Michelle Bachman, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain and a handful others who have made uncouth, unsubstantiated statements about fellow Americans without consequences.  They still don’t get it that radicalism does not pay, and I pray that they do.

Our party has let the radicals take over our GOP, and I am afraid, we will pay a price by losing the majority in the house. We have to speak out firmly and furiously against the likes of Bachman and other radical republicans amongst us.

I hope our party leaders wake up now, and rescue the party by purging the gratuitous allegations and gossip from the party.

These men and women have no shame in denigrating Muslims.  Let these guys say similar things to Jews and the African Americans; they will be hounded and chased down like wild pigs. Shamelessly, they feel that they have a free ride on Muslims, Mexicans, Gays and Lesbians.  That is not only unpatriotic, but downright immoral to treat a fellow Americans in that fashion.

They are an embarrassment to our civil society. In fact, they are not tearing Muslims, they are tearing America apart; shame on them.

No group of Americans need to be targeted, we should always nail the bad guys and not their affiliations, consider the following scenario;
If Joe Blow rapes a woman in your neighborhood, should the police arrest Joe, or should they arrest and harass his parents, siblings, kids, spouse, and his friends?

If Joe committed the crime, it his tushie that needs to be hauled off, and by arresting him, it bring calmness to the neighborhood, knowing that the rapist is locked up. People would feel safe again and a sense of justice would be restored in the community.

On the other hand, imagine harassing the entire neighborhood, blaming the Mayor and the pastor or even the Bible for this criminal, we will never resolve an issue if we dance around it.
Do you remember how quickly the opportunists cashed in on Osama Bin Laden?

Had we nailed the criminal Osama bin Laden in the first place, and not others, we would not have caused budget deficits, and millions of Americans would not have lost their jobs and their homes. The war mongers should never be listened to, they make their good, but the common man gets screwed. The results are in our face.

What did we do instead?  We destroyed nations instead of him; we blamed their religion and their book, how dumb! Did the Billion plus Muslims vote Bin Laden to do the evil? We recklessly sacrificed 5000 of our own men and women in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; and have destroyed other nations and innocent people and shamelessly called it a collateral damage.

 As a nation, we need to stand up against this non-sense. “Evil persists if the good people do nothing about it.”  Thank God for Senator McCain and Congressman Ellison and I pray more will join the righteous ones.

Here is an example of standing up for everyone in the progress.

 MikeGhouse is committed to building a Cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. He is a professional speaker, thinker and a writer on pluralism, politics, civic affairs, Islam, India, Israel, peace and justice. Mike is a frequent guest on Sean Hannity show on Fox TV, and a commentator on national radio networks, he contributes weekly to the Texas Faith Column at Dallas Morning News and regularly at Huffington post, and several other periodicals across the world. The blog www.TheGhousediary.comis updated daily. 

1 comment:

  1. A muslima friend suggested I read this article. I disagree in its tone and in its presentation that Michelle Bachman is incorrect. Islam is a threat to the USA, to freedom, free speech, and to the world in general.
