Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Resolution 2 | Bringing the communties together

My Resolution # 2 for 2011 was to serve the communities in building cohesive societies; here are the three things I have on my plate. If you wish to volunteer, please let me know.  But do volunteer wherever you are serve whoever you want to.  There is a greater joy in it, don’t miss it out

An appeal to the people of Pakistan in case of Asia Bibi to shower mercy on her following the tradition of kindness taught by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Who can get this to the newspapers in Pakistan and around the world?  Translate into different languages.

4th Annual Reflections on Holocaust and Genocides on Jan 27, 2011 – www.HolocaustandGenocides.com

America Together Foundation launching its work, if you wish to start the service in you town please contact www.AmericaTogetherFoundation.com

You can write a note here or send me a note to MikeGhouse@gmail.com
Mike Ghouse runs the Foundation for Pluralism championing the idea of co-existence through respecting and accepting the otherness of other and has dedicated his life to nurturing the pluralistic ideals embedded in Islam through the World Muslim Congress. He is available to speak at your home, school, work place, place of worship, seminars, interfaith and other gatherings.  Mike is a speaker, thinker, writer and a peace activist.  He is a regular commentator on the TV, Radio and Print media offering pluralistic solutions to the issues of the day.

Mike's work is reflected at three websites & twenty two Blogs listed at http://www.mikeghouse.net/

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