Monday, February 27, 2017

Pluralism News, Monday, February 27, 2017

Pluralism News is weekly newsletter about pluralism in religion, politics, culture and society.  Please visit
1. President Trump received our letter
2. Conservative and Liberals don’t have to be each other’s throats
3. Is it worth talking with the right wing extremists and radicals?

President Trump received our letter, hope it becomes a part of the State of the Union. 

It is our responsibility individually and collectively to stand up for fellow Americans when they feel insecure. If we don’t stand up for others why should anyone stand up for anyone?  Our security (Americans) hinges on the security of every American. It behooves us to work on security of others and ultimately we all would feel secure.   Last week, a Jewish Cemetery was desecrated and over 50 Jewish Community Centers received bomb threats.
The Center for Pluralism wanted to get a message out to the president to speak out against Anti-Semitism and all others ills of the society such as Islamophobia, Xenophobia, and Racism and…..
The letter was carefully crafted to be short and precise to increase the chances of reading it in less than 2 minutes and under 200 words.  The letter was delivered to the President, Vice President, and several members at CPAC meeting and most of them read standing in the hallway including Chairman of the CPAC read it.
God willing we will continue to work and see if the President can incorporate the message of cohesiveness in his state of the Union Address on 2/28.

Conservatives and Liberals at each other’s throats 

It’s a shame that both sides one continue to paint each other as enemies; enemies they are not! Each group talks about how bad and divisive the other is, without realizing their equal contribution to the divisiveness.  I am writing a full article on the topic and will be published at the Hill, and will share that link. It is amazing how mean we get just to prove we are right.

Is it worth talking with the right wing extremists and radicals?

Each one of us thinks differently.  We have a choice to ‘stay away from each other’ and let the ill-will, suspicion and doubts simmer to become unmanageable.  I hope if you take the time to ‘study’ the three videos and the notes below, you will change your mind about using the phrases like “right wing” “Red necks” and other epithets.  These are bad choice of words to describe fellow humans who react differently to situations.
Last week, I posted this video from a Fox News debate with Sean Hannity and Brigitte Gabriele on face book in two different places, and got shot down by my friends saying it is a waste of time to deal with the hard wired, without realizing they were as prejudiced as the ones they were accusing of.

Monthly Seminar: Understanding the essence of religion. This month: Understanding Hinduism

13 Religions in 13 Months – This month
Understanding Hinduism  on 3/7/17 between 1:00 and 3:30 PM
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Center for Pluralism is committed to build a cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

President Trump, please speak out against Anti-Semitism

Tuesday, February 21, 2017 | to be hand delivered on Friday
Dear Mr. President,
We the people of many faiths and no faith, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Bahai’s, Jains, Native Americans, pagans and fellow Americans are asking you to consider the following or something like it in your next speech.
“Fellow Americans, you chose me to be your President, and now help me do the right thing. Listen carefully, stop those ‘few’ guys who are a threat to fellow Americans, particularly the bomb threats against the Jewish Community Centers which is not acceptable. We will hunt them down and punish them accordingly.
Stop the radicals from harassing the Jews, Muslims, Immigrants, African Americans or any one for that matter, the actions of those few are a bad reflection on my administration. I will not tolerate any one messing with fellow Americans under my Presidency, neither should you? Stop them now.
I want an America where no one has to live in apprehension or fear of the other.”
Mike Ghouse
Center for Pluralism
(214) 325-1916

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Symposium: Do American Muslims want Sharia?

Do American Muslims want Sharia?
We owe it to fellow Americans to clarify the myths about Sharia, and propose fixing this problem through a conference with the Islamic scholars and those who are opposed to Sharia to make the event credible.

Let's "clear the air" of misunderstandings for all Americans. We need to put this fear behind and move on with our lives and bring peace and prosperity to fellow Americans.
  • Event: Do American Muslims Want Sharia?
  • Date: May 2017
  • Time: 2:00 - 4:30 PM
  • Venue: TBD
  • Who: Americans in Public service, Media and the Movers and Shakers
  • Presenters: Sharia Opposers and Muslim Scholars
  • Observers: Academics
  • Organized by: The Center for Pluralism & World Muslim Congress
  • Sponsoring Organizations: To be added.

Purpose: Is to demystify Sharia. There is a fear of Sharia among fellow Americans who are not Muslims, and there are Muslims who do not see any harm in personal Sharia while no Muslim Organization has sought to bring Public Sharia to America.  The program hopes to bring clarity to Americans including American Muslims that;
  • There is a public Sharia and Personal Sharia - Link
  • Muslims are committed to the American laws
  • No American Muslim organization has asked to bring Public Sharia to America
  • A Muslims may wish it but the majority of Muslims will oppose public sharia.
  • Sharia is a human effort to serve justice and needs major amendments - Link

At the Center for Pluralism our goal is to build a cohesive America where no American has to live in apprehension, tension or fear the other.
The World Muslim Congress is a think tank. It is about Muslims and their civic responsibilities in creating a dignified religious, social and civic space for themselves in the community of faiths. We do not distinguish between a Sunni, Shia, Ahmadiyya, WD Muhammad, Ismaili, Bohra or the subsets of each group, all believe in God, the Prophet and the accountability of their actions and whoever calls himself or herself a Muslim is a Muslim. This is our world and our God collectively.
The Center for Pluralism is an initiative of American Muslims, but it is not a Muslim organization. However, it is committed to pave the way for Muslims to become a part of the American story just as it is committed to do the same for others religious groups. What does it take for Muslims to be a part of the society?  
We invite volunteers and sponsors for this program.
(214) 325-1916