Sunday, June 28, 2015

Bad Islamic Books fabricated by Muslim scholars need to be shelved

Bad Islamic Books | The Ghouse 

My conservative friend Ryan Mauro asked, "
What actions should be taken when mosques include these materials in their libraries as authoritative texts, though? " The response should be consistent with freedom, "Those books should be locked up and made available for research, and or labeled "Questionable book - finding the truth is your own responsibility". 
Article at:

Kali maa and infinite multi-tasking, and our inability to say, do or write about many things in one breath.

Not a day passes without someone accusing you of not including his or her issue in your talk, write up or act. Per the legend, only a woman, Kali Maa could perform many tasks at one time, she has multiple heads and hands to do that.  When Obama speaks, no matter how good his presentation is, there is always a group - anxiously waiting for him to recite their name, and everything else is meaningless to them if their group is not mentioned. 

It's not only Obama, everyone in the community service, a Pastor, Pundit,  Imam, Father, Rabbi, Gyaniji, Shaman or a religious head is also put to the same tests. During the month of Ramadan, I have heard a few Imams who drag their prayers to include every representation, and take a very long time to recite such inclusive prayers, yet that would not be enough. 

You are not an exception to such treatment and neither am I, and here is my experience. 

One of the three major annual events we hold is Holocaust and Genocides.  Given the 2 hours program, we divide it up into three segments; 30 Minutes for Holocaust and 20 minutes for a Genocide (of the 50 Genocides on our list), and 20 minutes for a Massacre, the rest of the time goes for other chores.

Two years ago, we included a skit in the program to knock off the consistent complaints. In the skit, I would go on the podium and start speaking, “Today, we are going to talk about Holocaust, Sikh Genocide and Gaza Massacre… “Immediately an individual who was assigned to play my father’s role would walk up to me and slap hard on my face… and I fall on the floor.  

He takes over the microphone and says, “I cannot believe you my son, I did not teach you to exclude others and talk only about yours.” I get up from the floor and grab the microphone and recite a long list of names about 25 Genocides until I ran out of breath….  and fall again. 

He grabs the phone again and says, “Oh I see now, sorry my Son, I did not realize you can pack only 25 names of Genocides in one breath and not all the 50 on your list.”

Those who do not show up to the events always complain that, “Mike you are biased, you did not include Kashmir Pundits or the Bosnia Genocide… My eternal question to them is why did you forget Rwanda? Why did you forget Pol Pot? Why did you forget…?

In the last 9 years, we have been able to talk about 12 or 13 Genocides, but always show the entire list on the screen, even then there are Genocides we don’t even know about.  Indeed, some day, I will write a book about dealing with some of the most difficult situations with different communities; – Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, Jews, African Americans, Native Americans and others.  

The first time we put the program together in 2006, a few members (just a few) of the Jewish community were on the edge and concerned about bringing up Palestinian Massacres (Sabra and Shatila).  We do talk about every one, we must see the inhumanity embedded in all of us to reflect and find solutions.  God has always been good to me and guided me during that critical moment in the opening speech,  in my invocation, instead of naming all the Genocides and Massacres, I called on a silent prayer and asked people to pray for the Genocides and Massacres they knew, to make it an all inclusive event. There was a sigh of relief on the faces of those few, wow! Silence is Golden.

 We have to learn our limitations, we are not Kali Maa or a computer to perform infinite multiple tasks in the given time, a single breath to a single hour.   

Now coming back to you, (the man who sent an email about me to groups) you can deal with one issue at a time.  The Yoga was the issue and that is what we dealt with.  If you want to talk about Kuwait Massacre, why didn’t you mention other massacres including Charleston Massacre? If you go to one of the Chinese buffets – why don’t you eat each one of the 72 items they have placed on the table?
When you leave early from a party – do you go to every one of the 50 fellow guests and say goodbye to them? If you do, I’ve to learn from you. 
Let’s be contributors and not complainers.  

Mike is a speaker, thinker, writer, pluralist, TV-Radio commentator and a human rights activist committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. His info in 63 links at and writings at 

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Wisdom is similar every where

When you start learning about other societies, cultures or religions - you find a lot of similarities in wisdom even though the expressions are different. For example - the idea of God in different religions has got a lot of similarities - as if they have copied each other but really not. Think about this, if you sow a grain of wheat in Chile, Canada, China, Chechnya, Congo or Costa Rica... the seed will sprout and give the same grain.

When people are happy they shake the hips in joy and LOL - when a spouse cheats us, we sing songs, sad songs no matter where live, be it in India, America or Mongolia. A mother will always feed her child first when there is not enough food left. If someone messes with one's daughter... the father or the mother will be more than ready to wring the guys head. What else?

Thank you,

Mike Ghouse
(214) 325-1916

Mike is a speaker, thinker, writer, pluralist, TV-Radio commentator and a human rights activist committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. His info in 63 links at and writings at 

Friday, June 26, 2015

Supreme Court extends same-sex marriage nationwide

Every human has a God given right to eat, drink, wear and believe whatever he or she wants, and marry whoever he or she wants. Some among us may not agree with the idea of same sex marriage, but that is the ultimate freedom.  Freedom guaranteed to one is freedom guaranteed to all.

Carlos McKnight, 17, of Washington, holds up a flag in support of gay marriage outside of the Supreme Court in Washington, Friday.    JACQUELYN MARTIN/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
When God gave the options to Adam and Eve and explained the consequences of eating the forbidden fruit, and yet they chose to eat it, God did not stop them or slapped them for the wrong doing (at that time), instead God lived up to his word. That is when the freedom took seed and it is God given.

Freedom is a God given gift that we should cherish! God could have stopped Lucifer from tempting Adam and Eve, he could have stopped Adam from consuming the forbidden fruit, and he could have prevented Jesus from the crucifix, Moses did not have to speak up against Pharaoh, Muhammad (pbuh) did not have to endure persecution. God Almighty could have stopped everyone in the tract, but he did not, he gave us the freedom to choose how we deal with conflicts and restore harmony.

If Hilary gets elected as President, America would have achieved the ideals laid out by the founding fathers - that we are all created equal. Indeed, each one of us should have the equal opportunities and equal access to everything.

Congratulations to the GLBT community, now they can live freely without apprehension.  I hope the Evangelical Imams don't issue any Fatwas against this or blame this SC decision for the water crisis in California.

Once again, we appreciate President Obama to open the first official door.

Dr. Omid Safi reflects on Same-sex Marriage :
Let me pause, though, and say a word about what I have witnessed in the last few days about the Muslim public discourse regarding same-sex marriage and the Supreme Court ruling. I have been impressed by what I see as increased nuance in our public discourse from many people, including many who are personally and religiously opposed to homosexuality but recognize the importance of the state not imposing exclusionary practices on citizens.
However, there is one item that I am concerned about, and I would add, disappointed in regarding a number of these public statements. I have seen quite a few Muslim leaders articulate something along the lines of "From the perspective of mainstream, normative Islamic law, any type of sexual union outside of marriage is unethical and immoral."
If that is what we are going to state publicly, then let us be honest and transparent and state that this normative Islamic law also included--and includes--the possibility of concubines and polygamy.
Both are sanctioned in the Qur'an, and in Islamic law. Neither is likely to be viewed with great favor in the public discourse, which is why I suspect Muslims leave them off of our discussion.
Naturally, I have no interest in advocating for concubinage or polygamy: in the case of the first a hierarchical institution and in the case of second one that is open to many kinds of abuse (though I recognize there are times that it may work for some, and God knows better than I do.).
But yes, if our appeal is going to be to existing, historical "mainstream, normative law", then we have to be willing to publicly defend and stand by concubinage and polygamy. To leave them off and pretend that "traditional" sanctioned models of Islamic marriage only include that between one man and one woman united in marriage is at best intellectually weak and at worst dishonest. The same thing goes, of course for others who present a "Biblical" model of marriage.

Thank you,
Mike Ghouse
(214) 325-1916

Mike is a speaker, thinker, writer, pluralist, TV-Radio commentator and a human rights activist committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. His info in 63 links and writings at 

# # #

Supreme Court extends same-sex marriage nationwide

I am glad I am free, are you?

Not being affiliated with either the Republicans or Democrats, has allowed me to see who is a good candidate for America without compulsion for conformity, or guilt of seeing the good in others. I am a Muslim and I am proud to be free, Islam has allowed me to be Just, fair and free.

My faith teaches humility and I do not claim my religion to be superior, and your religion teaches the same, except that you may not have explored it. My religion suits me as yours suits you. I stand up for every human and his or her right to her space, sustenance, nurturence and freedom in the pursuit of their happiness. To be spiritual is to believe and practice God values with no barriers between you and anyone of the 7 billion of us. Are you free?
Thank you,
Mike Ghouse
(214) 325-1916

Mike is a speaker, thinker, writer, pluralist, TV-Radio commentator and a human rights activist committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. His info in 63 links at and writings at 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Congratulations Mr. President, time for Republicans to retrea

Obama Care is secure, thank God |
Thank God for the Supreme Court for upholding Obama Care. Republicans, not all the good ones, but a few extremists among them cannot fathom a black man to be the president and are constantly trying to hide behind their ugliness by making attempts to tear down every good thing Obama is doing for America. They have introduced several bills to undo affordable care… and appealed to the Supreme Court twice and got rejected.

I urge the good Republicans to speak up and save their party from the extremists elements among them who don’t give flip about average Americans – and they should, ultimately, it is all of us, 100% of Americans that makes this country run.
America will stand with Obama and not these guys who are determined to ruin America. Good Republicans, please speak up and put this thing behind and move on with producing good things for America. Obama is one of the few best presidents we have had in 50 years and earn some respect by respecting him.

Thank you,
Mike Ghouse
Center for American Politics

Mike is a speaker, thinker, writer, pluralist, TV-Radio commentator and a human rights activist committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. His info in 63 links at and writings at 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Muslim Response to All India Muslim Personal Law Board's appeal

While applauding the position taken by the All India Muslims Personal Law Board (AIMPLB), we hereby acknowledge a few key points about the politics of International Yoga Day and pleased to make a few suggestions. It is a delicate issue, and I pray that Muslims will follow the principles set in motion by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and commit to mitigating the conflicts and nurturing goodwill for the common good of the society.

The AIMPLB  sent a letter to these bodies and individuals, Maulana Wali Rehmani, working general secretary of the AIMPLB, has asked for constant vigil against attacks on Islam’s teachings. AIMPLB has also targeted the central government for propagating yoga, surya namaskar and vande matram, “which are part of Brahmin Dharma” and “are against the ideology of Muslims”.

Muslims, Rehmani has said in the letter, must be aware of their ideology, and must research extensively before agreeing to accept any suggestions on changing their beliefs. The government, he has alleged, has been pushing activities like yoga only to hide its failures on poll promises such as controlling prices and retrieving black money stashed abroad.


1. Muslims are not concerned about Yoga, it's been around as long as they know,  but  they are concerned about the agenda of Hinduizing Muslims that is birthing in series of actions. It is a legitimate jungle after the Ghar Wapsi Drama.

2. While Mr. Modi wants to uplift the nation, his bhakts in his name are messing up the cohesive fabric of the nation. Making statements like, “those who are opposed to should jump in to the sea – Yogi Adityanath.” Who is he to tell me that? If I were to face him, I will tell him to take the lead and go jump in chillu bhar pani (fistful of water).  

3. The Opportunist French man François Gautier writes, "By opposing yoga in schools they (Muslims) are showing that they are Muslims first and Indians second." Gautier is hell bent on placing wedges between Hindus and Muslims; we have seen the likes of him in Cornwallis and Wellesley who succeeded in the past, do we want men like him to continue to dupe and divide us?

4. A few extremists among Hindus look to it as a stepping stone for fulfillment of their dream of pushing India to become a 100% Hindu Nation, completely ignoring the teachings of Hinduism and the idea of Vasudhaiva Kutumbukum and our pluralistic heritage of live and let live.  Can we call them legitimate Hindus? Their acts are certainly not Hindu. 


1. Congratulate Mr. Modi for creating a successful day of Yoga, we are proud of the Hindu heritage and its benefits to humanity.

 2. Thank the opposition and the GOI for withdrawing the compulsory clause demanding participation from every Indian.

3. The role of leaders, Muslim or otherwise is to advise, but not to mandate it; we leave it up to the individuals to exercise their choice of participating or not in the exercise of Yoga.

4. We are proud of India, and want to preserve its character of free pluralistic democratic nation, where we respect the otherness of others and not impose our ideals on others.  We do not want India to emulate Saudi Arabia or Pakistan where the minorities are pushed into observing Ramadan. We want others to copy the Indian model where every human has a right to eat, drink, wear and believe whatever he or she wants to believe.

5. Let them tear India down; we will put it back together. 

6. We are proud of our heritage – a pluralistic democracy where each individual follows his own conscience in being a productive citizen of the collective nation.

Yoga Day, a wrong approach by Government of India
Yoga is the best thing that has happened to humans. It is good for human body as it  increases the cohesive functioning of mind, body and the soul. What messes our body is what we consume; food, water and air, and its regulator in the form of exercise.

Modi's bubble and the Chamcha CulturePrime Minister Modi is making all the classic mistakes of a man sitting inside the bubble, oblivious of the chaos outside the thin veil of the bubble. The men who keep him in euphoric status are called “Chumchas” – the “Yes men” of India who will ultimately let their bosses fall from grace. Full article at:

Surya Namaskar and Muslim Response

The Surya Namaskar is a Hindu religious tradition, a beautiful act of bowing to the Sun and welcoming the first rays of dawn as an expression of gratitude to the energy it breathes in to life and everything about life.

To be a Muslim is to be a peace maker, one who seeks to mitigate conflicts and nurtures goodwill for peaceful co-existence of humanity. Mike is a Muslim speaker, thinker, writer, pluralist,  TV-Radio commentator and a human rights activist committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. His info in 63 links at and writings at

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

America is God's own Country

America is God’s own country |

Indeed, America is God’s own country!  It is a representation of everything God has created on this planet from sea to the shining sea.

We are one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. We are represented by every race, nationality, ethnicity, language, culture and religion. 

We are blessed with every possible faith that you can imagine on the earth, there is no other nation with this many faith representations as we are.

Together as Americans we believe in one God, no God and many God representations;  we believe him to be male, female and genderless; we believe it to be a being, non being and everything;  nameless and innumerable names.
We have green pastures, rivers, mountains, deserts, snow, rainfall, storms; we have cold to hot climates.

We have families who opt to live a simple life with no modern amenities and we families who live in lap of the luxury that is unmatched anywhere.

We believe in our immortal declaration of independence, “
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed;”

Indeed, America is God's own country, a miniature universe represented by all of God's intentional diverse creation.We have the freedom to be who we want to be and achieve whatever we want to be.

God bless America!
Thank you


Mike Ghouse, Speaker
(214) 325-1916 text/talk
Mike Ghouse is a public speaker, thinker, writer and a commentator onPluralismIslamIndiaIsrael-PalestinePolitics and other issues of the day. He is a human rights activist, and his book standing up for others will be out soon | He is producing a full feature film " Sacred" to be released on 9/11 and a documentary "Americans together" for a July 4 release.  He is a frequent guest commentator on Fox News and syndicated Talk Radio shows and a writer at major news papers including Dallas Morning News and Huffington Post. All about him is listed in 63 links and his writings are at - Mike is committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Ramadan Mubarak, a short note

May this Ramadan be a blessing to the entire universe, Amen! God is not anyone's property, he belongs to all and no matter what name and how you call upon him, it is the same creator. There is no such thing as a Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu or other God. God is a fancy word for the cause that created this universe.  Since 2010, God has blessed me to visit a mosque a day for Iftaar (breaking the fast), and thank God, I have visited every Mosque of every denominations in Dallas including the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem - that is over 40 different Mosques. 

The purpose of visiting different Mosque was to learn about each others' varied traditions - to respect the otherness of others as God has guided,  and to get rid of the Takabbur (arrogance) in us- Humility builds bridges and arrogance kills it. We have to remember, that other traditions are dear to others, as our traditions are dear to us. Ramadan is also a month to knock out the ignorance about others, take time to visit Synagogues, Churches, Temples, Gurdwaras and other places of worship, God is all over and in every thing.  You can read some of the articles about Ramadan - the spirit, rituals, politics and traditions of Ramadan on the left panel at

Please feel free to leave your comments

Thank you,
mike ghouse   
(214) 325-1916

Mike is a speaker, thinker, writer, pluralist,  TV-Radio commentator and a human rights activist committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. His info in 63 links and writings at 

Is authenticity of the Hadiths questionable?

YouTube – A Muslim talks about questionable Hadiths in this video.

Muslims want to preserve the authentic Hadiths and it will be an enormous task to take out the fabricated ones from the real ones. Most of the Hadiths directly contradict the adl and rahma of the Prophet and God. If Islam were a Political party committed to control and oppress others, most the Hadiths would have suited the religion, but Islam is not about ruling people with enforcers' danda (stick), it is about living cohesively in harmony with other people and nature.

Indeed the great Imam, Imam Bukhari rejected 99% of the Hadiths based on transmission, if he had the time, he would have reduced 99% of the 1% left based on authenticity – do they meet the criteria of Rabbul Aalameen, Rahmatul Aalameen and justness.

Dr. Shabbir Ahmed in Florida has begun the process of compiling the list -  and Hasan Mahmud, the Sharia expert at World Muslim Congress has written an article – examples of Sharia, one of the most read pieces -

The process of devaluing some of the work of the great Ulema has begun a long time ago and we have started writing about it in public. . 
   and many more pieces.

The first thing to do is question them if they meet the criteria of Quran, then gradually over a period of time thru participation of the guardians of the Hadiths, remove them. The Ahl-e-Hadith and other groups are very capable of seeing the reason and rationality of Quran and would eventually see the value in it, as long as they don’t feel threatened. It is the sense of threat that makes people to hang on to what they are familiar with.

Quran is the only book God has promised to protect and Alhamdu Lillah, it will remains in his hands, none others were under his protection and we need to preserve the parts of Hadiths that offer wisdom and guidance to live cohesively within the Aalameen with Justice and mercy to “all” beings.

Thank God for all of them, some day, Insha Allah, together we will achieve that, and I thank Allah for blessing us the life in these United States where we fear none but Allah.

 Insha Allah, we will work on holding a conference in 2016 inviting the major scholars of Hadith to come together and share their point of view and listen to others.

 Thank you,

Mike is a self taught secure Muslim, authenticated by Prophet’s words – that each one of us has the individual responsibility to “read” and “understand” the Quran – the great book that is a manual in creating cohesive societies where each individual is a free part of such society without apprehension or fear of any, but Allah who is God of the universe and the Prophet who is mercy to mankind.   Mike is a speaker, thinker, writer, pluralist,  TV-Radio commentator and an activist committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. His info in 63 links at and writings at 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Get that confederate flag down

The confederate flag is unfortunately associated with racism, instead of becoming a becoming our heritage,  it represents hate for fellow Americans who are Black.

Should we allow symbols of Nazi Flag, Swastika, SS, Crusades symbols, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden (we did not bury the guy), Milosevic and the Spanish Missions as our heritage? Should we allow them on public buildings, because they were an ugly part of our heritage? 

Doesn't  it continue to keep the flames of hatred alive, as was the case of Dylann Storm Roof and others who seek refuge in it when they are hateful? 

The flag represents our heritage no doubt, but rightfully belongs to the Museum as President Obama has articulated. 

This flag continues to stir up tensions and fears, we need to build an America where no one has to live in fear. Those who love the flag will lose nothing, they can still have it in their homes but not flying in the public. They have a right to make their children live in silos, and unfit to live in the society where all of God's creation works, plays, and lives together.

If you agree, please sign the petitions:
  1. Change Org
  2. White House -
# #

Thank you,
mike ghouse   
(214) 325-1916

Mike is a speaker, thinker, writer, pluralist,  TV-Radio commentator and a human rights activist committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. His info in 63 links and writings at 

Texas Faith: When racism becomes terrorism

Published in Dallas Morning News, June 19, 2015

The expanded version of this article is at:

The Charleston church shooting weighed heavily on our panelists this week. Here’s what they have to say about this unspeakable tragedy.

MIKE GHOUSE, motivational speaker
A place of worship is a sanctuary for peace, what a shame it is for a terrorist to barge in a church during the prayers and kill nine people who did nothing to him. Let’s pray for the departed souls to rest in peace, and pray that this situation does not aggravate further.
We endured the Wisconsin shooting where a terrorist walked into a Gurdwara (Sikh temple) and randomly killed worshipers, in response, the Sikhs set the new standards of dealing with the conflict – instead of blaming “all,” they chose to hold candle light vigils across the country and forgave the terrorist. This is an act which Jesus, Muhammad, Nanank and other religious leaders have advocated.
We need to work on greater integrity of Americans for the safety and security of all of us. As a nation, particularly the relatives of the victims can set the new standards – forgive him, but let him remain in the prison until he has a chance to genuinely repent; forgiveness extinguishes the fears and hatred more than any eye for an eye will do. There are more like him, a trial in the court will bring out the worst in him for us to understand his sickness and deal with others. Killing him will kill one person, forgiving and rehabilitating him will save a heck of a lot more lives.
These acts of terror are perpetrated by individuals from every faith, race or region, in no case the religion authorized them to do so.
As a nation we mourn together with a few minutes of silence of our own, without blaming any one, but determined to bring a positive change thru peace and non-violence. We need to find a way to heal. Please take a minute and pray for the improved relations among us all. Amen. God bless America.

To read views of other panelists, please visit Dallas Morning News-

Thank you

Mike Ghouse, Speaker
(214) 325-1916 text/talk
Mike Ghouse is a public speaker, thinker, writer and a commentator on Pluralism, Islam, India, Israel-Palestine, Politics and other issues of the day. He is a human rights activist, and his book standing up for others will be out soon | He is producing a full feature film " Sacred" to be released on 9/11 and a documentary "Americans together" for a July 4 release.  He is a frequent guest commentator on Fox News and syndicated Talk Radio shows and a writer at major news papers including Dallas Morning News and Huffington Post. All about him is listed in 63 links at and his writings are at - Mike is committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day

Ghouse Weekly Bulletin #25 | Ramadan | Don't Mess with Quran | Rick Perry | Sharia | Father's day

Ghouse Bulletin # 25 | www.TheGhousediary.comSaturday, June 20, 2015

What does it take to change the perceptions about Muslims? Myths about us will not disappear by themselves, we have to take the initiative and make an effort to bring about the change. Nothing will happen by itself. 

What are your thoughts? Can you support such initiative? Please let us know.

I am pleased to share this week’s items,
please feel free to share and give the feedback.

1. Ramadan Mubarak
2. Father's Day
3. Situation in South Carolina
4. Sharia-ism
5. International Yoga day
6. Rick Perry and Muslims
7. Muslims for freedom of speech
8. Don't mess with Quran.
9. McKinney police brutality
0. Speech at Aligarh Muslim University

Thank you.

Mike Ghouse
(214) 325-1916
1. Ramadan Mubarak

May this Ramadan be blessings to the Aalameen, Amen!  Since 2010, God has blessed me to visit a mosque a day for Iftaar, and Alhamdu Lillah I have visited every Mosque of every denominations in Dallas including Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. The purpose of visiting different Mosque was to learn about each others' varied traditions - to respect the otherness of others as God has guided and get rid of the Takabbur in us. It was also to knock out the ignorance about others. You can read some of the articles about Ramadan - the spirit, rituals, politics and traditions of Ramadan on the left panel

2. Father's Day

On father's day, I will be dutifully meditating for about half an hour to reflect on my father; Mohamed Abdul Rahman. I will perform special prayers to express my gratitude to him. He is one of my mentors, and an affectionate and caring father who opened many windows of knowledge for us. If you are one of the parents who teach your children to .....


3. Situation in South Carolina

On June 18, 2015, a terrorist barged in to a Church in Charleston and killed 9 innocent people.  A place of worship is a universal sanctuary of peace and we must all be conditioned to believe and practice it. These acts of terror are perpetrated by individuals from every tradition; in no case the religion authorized them to do the harassment or killing.  The criminals are there in every region, religion and race.

Jon Stewart on South Carolina - he speaks justice for all. This video is worth watching, he has touched on the causes of ISIS and terrorism. charleston-massacre.html/

4. Sharia-ism

There is indeed a genuine Sharia that God has given in Quran, but is not practiced by Muslims as they have created their own man made Sharia. For example - a man can shout the ugly word Talaq three times in one breath, or even text it to the wife, bringing an abrupt chaos and distress in a woman's life, women live in eternal fear and that practice is not coming from a just God or a Merciful  Prophet.  Ironically God's Sharia is followed by America and other democracies and not by Muslim Nations. The documentary is produced by Hasan Mahmud based on existing Sharia laws. If we get the funding we hope to dub it in Urdu, Pushtu or whatever languages we can make it as a part of education.  Video -

5. International Yoga day

Yoga is best thing that has happened to humans. It is a good thing for human body; and it increases the cohesive functioning of mind, body and the soul. What messes our body is what we consume; food, water and air, and its regulator in the form of exercise.

The Indian Government has announced an International Yoga Day making it compulsory for everyone to observe. However, it should have been introduced as an option, giving complete freedom to choose, rather than making it compulsory.  When people are given choices, it will increase acceptability with least resistance; I mean any change for that matter, it goes thru the same process.

6. Rick Perry and Muslims

Addison, Texas -- June 4, 2015 -- It takes guts, a lot of guts for a Presidential candidate to embrace Muslims from the word go! Perry has got that. Given the unabashed bigotry displayed by a number of Presidential candidates against Muslims, Rick Perry took the bold step in paving the way for inclusionary politics in the GOP, and of course Sean Hannity was there at the event and asked me if I supported Perry? The answer is in Full article at


7. Muslims for freedom of speech

Freedom is a God given gift that we should cherish! God could have stopped Iblees from tempting Adam and Eve, he could have stopped Adam from consuming the forbidden fruit, and he could have saved Jesus to continue his mission. Moses did not have to speak up against Pharaoh; Muhammad (pbuh) did not have to endure persecution. God Almighty could have stopped everyone, but he did not, he gave us the freedom to choose how we (the people) deal with conflicts and restore harmony. Indeed Freedom of speech is a Muslim value and there is no compulsion in the matters of faith - full article at


8. Messing with Quran

How wrong was I to believe that almost all Muslims were aware of the mis-translations of Quran. It came as a big surprise to me to know that there are Muslims `
Who innocently believe that everything they read "about" Quran is divine without ever questioning it. Please be aware that there are two translations of Quran that are not only wrong, but bad. They have attempted to mess with Quran, but failed.

9. McKinney Police Brutality

It was good to have two Muslims present at the protest, and I was able to lead and moderate the protest in front of McKinney Police Head Quarters. To those men and women who are biased towards the others, please wake up, and don’t live in fear and pass that on to your children. Don’t mess with their future, and don’t make them unfits to live in a pluralistic society. Very soon, you will find people of different faiths, cultures, ethnicities, races, nationalities and social backgrounds working, eating, playing, marrying, and doing things together. Prepare them for it, rather than prison them in your own tiny silos. 


0. Speech at Aligarh University

Vice Chancellor Zameeruddin Shah, Pro-VC Brig Syed Ahmad Ali and Dr. Shaz are committed to resuscitate the tradition of critical thinking at AMU, that Sir Syed Ahmed khan initiated. I was pleased to be a speaker, and included here is one of my 4 speeches. What buoyed me up was when Pro-VC acknowledge my talk about Akhira in his speech and expanded upon it.  

Mike Ghouse, Speaker
(214) 325-1916 text/talk
Mike Ghouse is a public speaker, thinker, writer and a commentator on PluralismIslam,IndiaIsrael-PalestinePolitics and other issues of the day. He is a human rights activist, and his book standing up for others will be out soon | He is producing a full feature film "Sacred" to be released on 9/11 and a documentary "Americans together" for a July 4 release.  He is a frequent guest commentator on Fox News and syndicated Talk Radio shows and a writer at major news papers including Dallas Morning News and Huffington Post. All about him is listed in 63 links at and his writings are at - Mike is committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day.