Monday, September 30, 2013

Republicans Beware - get ready for slaugther in 2014

I am proud of being a Republican, a true republican to call on the stupidity and disgusting nasty men like Ted Cruz, who I am shamefully voted. Its almost all the front line Republicans that needs to slaughtered by the American public in 2014. They are anti-American.

Very few Republicans have the balls to break ranks from these nerds and straighten them out. At Least John McCain and I are calling the same to distance themselves and save their spot in 2014. 

John Stewart gives it to them.

Mike Ghouse, a moderate Republican

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Congratulations to Native Americans of Texas - The American Indian Heritage Day

Congratulations to the Native Americans of Texas. Finally, the Native Americans of Texas have a day to celebrate their heritage. Thanks to Peggy Larney and the dedicated volunteers to make this happen. The bill was enacted and signed by the Governor on April 3, 2013. Thus September 27 was proclaimed as the American Indian Heritage Day to be observed from here forward every year.

Several people were acknowledged for the work in the ceremonies held today at the Lone Star Park including Mary Ann Thompson-Frenk, Coke Buchanan, Constance Hargrave and myself. It is a joy to see this day.

Mary Ann Thompson-Frenk and Coke Buchanan of the Memnosyne Foundation have done tremendous work with Native Americans, not only in the United States, but also in Mexico including establishing a medicine garden for the Mayan Indians to continue their medicine tradition to cure the Native Americans. I salute the foundation for taking this up. Thank you Mary Ann.

On February 27, this year, I was to give my testimony in the state Capital, and I could not make it due to my health, however, it was submitted to Peggy Larney to read it for me.

As an American committed to building a cohesive America, where every American feels an integral part of the society, with no apprehension, discomfort or fear the other, it is my duty to support the H.B. No. 174, a bill to create the Native American Heritage day.

Every community, nation and the tribe has a day dedicated to honor that community. It is a day, on which the community comes together and celebrates it with fellow members of the society at large, it builds a sense of community and a sense of belonging and is a source of self esteem and recognition.

We are God’s own country; we are blessed with every race, nationality, ethnicity, language, culture and religion. We see God as one, none and many and in every form; male, female, genderless and non-existent, being and non-being, nameless and with innumerable names. We are committed to preserve this pluralistic heritage of America.

As Texans, it is our duty to uplift each other, so together we have a peaceful cohesive society where we are no strangers exist. If we can learn to respect the otherness of others and accept the God given uniqueness of each one of us, then conflicts fade and solutions emerge.

This day, the Native American Heritage day is long overdue, with great humility we need to approve this bill and celebrate the heritage of fellow Native American Texans.

Mike Ghouse is committed to building a cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day - More about Mike at

Friday, September 27, 2013

Foreign Policy - Rouhani and Obama, thank God for them.


Imagine two idiots in power – Mahmud Ahmedinejad and Mitt Romney; one was a prick constantly creating chaos and tension with his foul mouth, and the other one would have nailed America by bombing Iran, and costing American lives, jobs, homes, foreclosures, businesses and budget deficit.

Romney was driven by pleasing and taking care of his buddies like President Bush.  He would have kissed ass with Netanyahu to get a few claps from the right wing Republicans. But at the end his actions would have brought disaster to Israel and the United States; further isolation of Israel in the community of nations, and increased Anti-Semitism along with insecurity for another decade or two.

Neither cared for the people, they were just for themselves.  Although I don’t believe that God meddles in our problems, but somehow I want to believe in divine intervention. Thank God, they are gone out of public life and God saved humanity. 

Here comes Obama and Rouhani – making a difference. We have to check it out, but it’s a good beginning.

Sean Hannity had oddly agreed with me on his show – that we cannot trust the information from FBI and Mossad, they have been consistently wrong, and have provided false information when it comes to the foreign policy in the Middle East.

Obama has done many a things right in restoring our respect in the community of nations with his foreign policy, particularly after Bush earned us the title of a bully and secretly a rogue nation that we don’t want to hear.

When the Egyptian public was sick of Mubarak, Obama made the right decision to ask Mubarak to step down, despite the tremendous pressure from the short-sighted Netanyahu and my fellow Republicans. The result is Egyptians have not gone wild with Anti-Americanism, because we were with them as opposed to their tyrant fascist dictator Mubarak.

Contrast that with Iran of 1979, had we sided with the Iranian Public, after-all our allegiance is with the people and not the tin pot dictators that come and go, they would have been no Anti-American demonstrations, as we would have been with them and not their oppressor.

Now in McCain’s word, despite the rogue rhetoric of McCain and Romney of bombing Iran, Obama preferred dialogue, the American public spoke and re-elected him.

Obama is doing it again – talking with Rouhani and I hope we resolve the conflicts – did you notice the gas prices have dropped from 3:59 to 3:03 overnight? We will be beneficiaries of the dialogue. All we need to do is pick up the phone and call the Republicans to tell them to shut up and let Obama do his job, and not be a hurdle. If they are bought by the Gas companies they will oppose, if they are like us, the average Americans they would want the benefit of lower gas prices. I filled my tank for $51.00 this morning; it was $62.00 two weeks ago.

What is happening bodes well for Israel, Palestinians, Middle East, Iran and the United States. Please don't let Republican mess it up.

Disclosure: I am a Moderate Republican and do not support the rogue elements of my party and speak out for the sake of America.

 Mike Ghouse
(214) 325-1916 text/talk
. . . . .

Mike Ghouse is a speaker, thinker and a writer on pluralism
, politics, peace, Islam, Israel, India, interfaith, and cohesion at work place. He is committed to building a Cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day at He believes in Standing up for others and has done that throughout his life as an activist. Mike has a presence on national and local TV, Radio and Print Media. He is a frequent guest on Sean Hannity show on Fox TV, and a commentator on national radio networks, he contributes weekly to the Texas Faith Column at Dallas Morning News; fortnightly at Huffington post; and several other periodicals across the world. His personal site indexes all his work through many links.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Harassment of Sikhs in New York and Mississipi

Dr. Prabhojot Singh and Jageet Singh harassed in New York and Mississippi


We have ways to go to fully realize the value of our constitution, it is violated every day. We take the pledge that we are one nation under God with liberty and Justice for all, and yet we go out and tear the nation apart on the basis of race, religion or sexual orientation, and take away the liberty and justice of others.  It is not acceptable, particularly if the violations come from the law enforcement officials. We have to fix this and we need all Americans to take a stand.

How many of us value our pledge, the pledge of allegiance?

Of course, the majority values it, but the tiny minority of about 1/10th of 1% of the people does not value any laws. That is the case in every aspect of life. It is that tiny group of individuals who violate the laws of the land or guidance of the religions as they did in Kenyan Shooting and bombing the Church in Pakistan.

Unity Day USA - September 11, 2012

Dr. Prabhjot Singh, a Professor at Columbia University lives in one of the most urban of cities of America, New York. Last week he faced utter humiliation. Police said one of the men pulled Prabhjot Singh's beard while the teenagers yelled "get Osama" and "terrorist." Singh, who wears a turban per his Sikh religious tradition, and is a public advocate for interfaith dialogue, was kicked several times to the body and face.

Jageet Singh, a truck driver was pulled over by the Police in Mississippi, and the officers demanded that "Mr. Singh remove the Kirpan. When Mr. Singh explained that he was a Sikh and that the Kirpan was a sacred religious article, the officers laughed at him and mocked his religious beliefs. One officer declared that all Sikhs are "depraved" and "terrorists." They continued to taunt him, and forced Mr. Singh to circle his truck with his hands on his turban while they searched the vehicle. Finally, not content with this humiliation, they arrested him, claiming that Mr. Singh had refused to obey an officer's lawful command." On the top of that, Judge Rimes, ordered that Mr. Singh would not be allowed to re-enter the courtroom unless he removed "that rag" from his head and threatened to call Mr. Singh last on the docket if he continued to wear the religious headdress.  

First of all, as Americans we condemn the behavior of the teens, police officers and the judge, this is not acceptable in our country, and secondly, we need to penalize the involved and have them pay for it to set a precedent that this behavior is not acceptable.

What do we need to do in the long run? 

We need to learn about each other, not because it is a noble thing, but because we all have to live together with least tensions.

Our Founding Fathers laid the ground work for such a society, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Martin Luther King Jr. said that we should be judged by what we can deliver, rather than our race, religion or ethnicity.

Chief Seattle, a Native American said this perfectly, "All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does it to himself."

How are we going to preserve that delicate web? What issues divide us and how do we cope with them?  How do we allay the prevalent phobias? How do we focus on our vision for a prosperous America?

John F Kennedy was blunt, "ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country."  We need to channel that energy and passion in building a cohesive America.  

Every American must feel a sense of security, safety and freedom. If we can learn to respect the otherness of others and accept the God given uniqueness of each one of us, then conflicts fade and solutions emerge.

Last year on September 11, we held Unity Day USA, an inclusive event that brings Americans of different faiths, or no faith and races together. In its 9th years, the Sikh community was highlighted for the outstanding Model behavior they created in response to the Wisconsin shooting; we also focused on the 1984 Sikh Genocide of New Delhi in our 6th Annual Holocaust and Genocides event. It was good for the fellow Americans to learn and know about them, and we hope to continue to do programs to bring people together, so we can learn about each other.

If we can learn to respect the otherness of others, and accept the God given uniqueness of each one of the 318 Million Americans, then conflicts fade and solutions emerge.

Mike Ghouse is committed to building a cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day - More about Mike at 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Love hate for John McCain


When he speaks on his own, he is goof ball, but
when he speaks as Wiseman, you’d love him.

Here he could not have been more honest with American Public.  Ted Cruz needs to go, what an embarrassment he is for Texas, idiot is not in touch with the public.

Do the Republican in the last 8 years, know anything about Americans? None whatsoever!  I am a Republican and hoping for sanity to return to my party, loaded with idiots on the top, but the majority is still sane, I wish they have the balls to speak up and stop Cruz making an ass of himself. I voted for him, I am ashamed.

Obama care is here to stay, and the Republicans don’t need to be villains of the average American people. 

Mike Ghouse
Moderate Republican

Mike Ghouse is a speaker, thinker and a writer on pluralism, politics, peace, Islam, Israel, India, interfaith, and cohesion at work place. He is committed to building a Cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day at He believes in Standing up for others and has done that throughout his life as an activist. Mike has a presence on national and local TV, Radio and Print Media. He is a frequent guest on Sean Hannity show on Fox TV, and a commentator on national radio networks, he contributes weekly to the Texas Faith Column at Dallas Morning News; fortnightly at Huffington post; and several other periodicals across the world. His personal site indexes all his work through many links.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Dawud Walid of CAIR Michigan blundered.

What's wrong with CAIR Michigan's Dawud Walid?

I have known Dawud Walid and I am completely taken back by his biased statement about the Nairobi incident. I am writing this note to remind ourselves and guard ourselves from making reckless statements.

Walid Tweets, "Israeli Army seems to be @#westgate to secure Israeli property. Kenyans just want this to end but Israeli gov doesn't really care about them"

Israel has every right to protect her people and her assets.  Look at us critically, how many times have we condemned the Jihadists from Saudi Arabia, United States, Pakistan, Sudan, Egypt and elsewhere, who go to other nations not to save life, but destroy life in direct violation of Quran - Killing one person is like killing the whole humanity.

As Muslims we need to be clean before we ask others to be.

Walid reflects the sentiments of the tiny minority of Muslims who are biased against Jews and blame Jews for everything.  The good news is the silent majority does not like these attitudes; these attitudes go against the spirit Quran - to blame anyone without questioning our own motives.

I hope Dawud and those few Muslims ask themselves, how many Muslims really worry about other people's lives? How many times have we genuinely condemned the atrocities by others against other people?  Aren't we too selfish? Do we care about others? 

It's time we correct ourselves, every step of the way.  It is also time to reflect on our own attitudes.


Contact: Mike Ghouse
(214) 325-1916 - Text or Talk
Skype: MikeGhouse
Dallas, Texas

Press Release : Muslims Condemn the terrorists who attacked Nairobi Mall killing innocent people.


Contact: Mike Ghouse
(214) 325-1916 - Text or Talk
Skype: MikeGhouse

Dallas, Texas

# # # 

Dallas, Texas – September 22, 2013.  Muslims condemn the attack on the Mall in Nairobi killing innocent people with a call for action to wipe these criminals off the face of the world. 

Boston Globe reports; Massacre at Nairobi Mall, "
 Islamist militants ambushed a shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya, on Saturday killing more than 50 people and terrorizing the city. The siege was still taking place on Monday, as Kenyan forces tried to drive the militants out of the Westgate mall and save remaining hostages. Somalia's Al Shabab claimed responsibility for the deadliest attack in Kenya since 1998. -Leanne Burden Seidel"
"Shamefully those criminals called themselves Muslims and claimed to do it for Islam. Did Muslims authorize them? Did Islam Authorize them? Hell no.  They are dirty criminals and we need to get them and punish them." Asserts Mike Ghouse, the president of World Muslim Congress, a think tank committed to building cohesive societies and nurture the pluralistic values of Islam. 

" As the people of the world,we should not buy their alibi that they did it for Islam, the criminals did it on their own and we need to do unto them, what they did to other innocent people; terrorize." 

Islam forbids killing another human, unless it is purely in self-defense, and it even forbids suicide, which amounts to betrayal of trust God placed in you.

We the people of the World have been giving a pass to these criminals by blaming Islam, rather than blaming the criminals. Its time we do the right thing and knock these guys out, hunt them, find them and lock them up,  unless they surrender and seek to change.

There is absolutely no justification for killing another human being, none whatsoever.

The hallmark of civil societies is that every resident of the society lives in peace with others. No one needs to live in apprehension or fear of the other, we are all God’s creation and God cares for us to take care of each other.

URL - 

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Press Release: Muslims Condemn Terrorist attack on Church in Peshawar killing 78 Christians

Contact: Mike Ghouse
(214) 325-1916 - Text or Talk
Skype: MikeGhouse

Dallas, Texas

# # # 

78 Christians Killed in Peshawar – Muslims are sick of condemning the sickos among Muslims.

Dallas, Texas – September 22, 2013.  Muslims unequivocally condemn the attack on the historic Christian Church in Peshawar, Pakistan killing 78 worshippers.  This does not bode well for Pakistan.

It’s time to quit blaming Islam or Muslims, and instead hold the individuals and their affiliates responsible for this brutal massacre. Islam did not authorize these criminals to kill any one, and Muslims certainly did not give them the permission to do so. 

We the people of the World have been giving a pass to these criminals by blaming Islam, rather than blaming the criminals. Its time we do the right thing. 

We urge the Peshawar Police and the Governments of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Pakistan to grab the criminals and put them on trial. No one but these agencies is responsible for law and order.

The hallmark of civil societies is that every resident of the society lives in peace with others. No one needs to live in apprehension or fear of the other, we are all God’s creation and God cares for us to take care of each other. 


References added:

Tribune -

Daily Times:\09\24\story_24-9-2013_pg3_3

Texas Faith: Pope Francis criticizes narrow focus on abortion, gay rights and conception

In my tradition Islam, there is a greater emphasis placed on service to mankind. Indeed, Prophet Muhammad goes on to say that if a person is having a full meal while his neighbor is hungry, he is not following his religion. There are innumerable stories where a sinner woman saves a thirsty cat with water, another one feeds a hungry dog and the prophet said that both of them will earn God’s grace. Mike Ghouse

TEXAS FAITH: Pope Francis criticizes narrow focus on abortion, gay rights and conception

Pope Francis offered some provocative thoughts last week. Speaking about the hot-button issues of abortion, gay rights and conception, he told a Jesuit interviewer: “It is not necessary to talk about these issues all the time.”
He went on in the interview to say that hischurch had grown obsessed with those topics.
I have to admit, the church universal seems way too caught up in debates over abortion, gay marriage and conception. So, I happen to agree with his view.
But what do you think? Are people of faith becoming too occupied with gay rights, abortion and conception?
And what do you make of this statement that also came from the Pope:
“The dogmatic and moral teachings of the church are not all equivalent.”
Applying that line to your own religious tradition, how are believers supposed to know which teachings are more important than others?
In my tradition, the Presbyterian Church USA, we have creeds, but we don’t necessarily have a Presbyterian’s guide to the top 10 beliefs, or some such list of priorities.
This could get arbitrary, couldn’t it?

MIKE GHOUSE, President, Foundation for Pluralism and speaker on interfaith matters
There are two sides to hot-button issues like abortion, gay rights and conception.
On the one hand, the Pope and the conservative guardians of religion may be satisfied that they have softened their approach towards the issues. Probably they are asking what else you want. As if they have done a favor in removing the shackles which they placed on people originally.
On the other hand, the relentless discussion on the topic stems from the fact that the letting up of restrictions has not translated into acceptance. Until it becomes a norm it will continue to remain caught up in the debates.
The closure to the transaction will happen if the church writes down the revision in its policy manual. If not, the Pope needs to accept the legitimacy of the occupation with the topic.
I do agree with the Pope that the dogmatic and moral teachings of the church are not all equivalent.

In my tradition Islam, there is a greater emphasis placed on service to mankind. Indeed, Prophet Muhammad goes on to say that if a person is having a full meal while his neighbor is hungry, he is not following his religion. There are innumerable stories where a sinner woman saves a thirsty cat with water, another one feeds a hungry dog and the prophet said that both of them will earn God’s grace.
Then there is a story of a man who prays day and night, but the prophet advises him that caring for his wife is as important as prayers and that he should cut down on his prayers. But, unfortunately, greater emphasis is placed on visible aspects of the religion like prayers, one’s beard, etc than on the aspect that builds cohesive societies.
Indeed, every religion is about justice and at the end of the day or end of the world, there is hope that justice will prevail; violators will pay for their wrong doing, and do-gooders will receive salvation, nirvana, Mukti, Nijaat or freedom from the birth cycles.
Even though justice seems to be cruel at times, that is the bottom line of the religion or a society. However, the prime value of religion is Mercy. Thanks to Pope France for re-emphasizing on the mercy aspect of religion.
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Mike Ghouse is a speaker, thinker and a writer on pluralism, politics, peace, Islam, Israel, India, interfaith, and cohesion at work place. He is committed to building a Cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day at He believes in Standing up for others and has done that throughout his life as an activist. Mike has a presence on national and local TV, Radio and Print Media. He is a frequent guest on Sean Hannity show on Fox TV, and a commentator on national radio networks, he contributes weekly to the Texas Faith Column at Dallas Morning News; fortnightly at Huffington post; and several other periodicals across the world. His personal site indexes all his work through many links.