Saturday, September 29, 2012

Subway innuendo ads may be a safety issue to New Yorkers
The  Subway innuendo ads may be a safety threat
Fox news had interviewed me on the topic, and I am glad they were able to show a few clips on Sunday. Through the interview, I have urged the organizers of the subway campaign not to place the ad at this point in time, and I pray for the safety of passengers in the New York Subway from inciting the nut cases.

First of all, as Americans we defend one’s right to free speech, an enduring value of civil societies. No compromises need to be made; it is a God-given right of the individuals despite its negative consequences. 
However, as a society, we have a responsibility to keep law and order and faithfully guard the safety of every citizen.  Hate is one of the many sources of disrupting the peace in a society and it is our duty to track down the source of such hate and mitigate the conflicts and nurture goodwill. 
The timing of the ad is wrong; it has the tit for tats element in it, what those ruthless ugly men did to our Ambassador in Libya does not justify this poster.

I am confident a majority of the subway commuters will laugh at it and move on, but I am worried about the nut cases and the consequential safety of the commuters. Here are the crime
stats for New York, for 2010. Of the 19,378,102 New Yorkers, 19,334,235  were law abiding citizens, while 43, 867 were  booked up on aggravated assault, of the same number of people, 2771 were rapists, and 866 were murderers. We cannot blame the law books, New York State or the religion of the nutcases for the crimes they committed; it was them and not anyone else, because the other people, the 99.98% of the population have the same law books to follow, they live in the same state and follow the same religions. It is never the state, religion or the books, it is always the individual we need to blame.
The ads are subtle innuendos to the nuts; they are coded for the crazies to cross the boundaries of law and order.

We have plenty of nuts in the world, there was one who beat up the Jewish kids in subway four years ago for saying Happy Hanukkah, the nut who went on a rampage at Sikh Temple in Wisconsin confusing Sikhs for Muslims, and the loony who opened fire in Norway or the crazy who massacred fellow soldiers in Fort Hood, or the one who opened fire in Luby’s in Kileen.  Those nuts or terrorists who killed our Ambassador and his staff in Libya and those who are defacing our embassies overseas are all a threat to the safety of the people no matter where you go, facts don’t matter to them. 

It is dangerous to fellow Americans, particularly Muslim women wearing a scarf, Catholic women coming from a Church, Sikh Women, the older Hindu women with part of the Saree covering their head, the Non-Muslim women from Africa donning their cultural headdress. Does the city have a role in imbuing a sense of security in her people, or they on their own?

If a nut case sees the innuendo loaded Jihadi ad in the subway, and sees a woman next to it, be it a Muslim, Sikh, Catholic, Hindu or other, he is tempted to hurt that woman, the woman can scream that she is not a Muslim; do the nut know any difference? What if she is a Muslim? 

I hope the Jewish Federation of Greater New York makes it clear that they did not authorize the ad to represent the interests of Israel or the Jews, and I hope the New Yorkers don’t fall for this trap to hate Muslims in the “innuendo” ads.

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MikeGhouse is committed to building a Cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. He is a professional speaker, thinker and a writer on pluralism, politics, civic affairs, Islam, India, Israel, peace and justice. Mike is a frequent guest on Sean Hannity show on Fox TV, and a commentator on national radio 

What are friends for?

I urge you to have a heart to heart, one on one with your spouse and children, friends and fellow workers frequently, knowing that the person cares and "listens uninterrupted” is healing in itself. This last week, a friend committed suicide, shot himself in the car in a parking lot…. It has made us all think through the precariousness of life. How difficult must it have been for him to bear the pain, anxiety or depression to have shot himself…

  You are tagged because you do your share of listening and being there for your friends,  and I just wanted to share what was gonig through my mind this morning. I was thinking about this friend, he has been a part of the Unityday program, and he was on my dial list to call... but I never got around to do that.. and when I heard the news, I said to myself, damn me for not calling him...he and I have talked for at least 15 minutes whenever we tallked. Sometimes, people talk to you even if you are not a close friends, but if they sense you care.

Some 20 years ago, a Boys Scout parent, was anxious, I noticed that and talked to him on the Sunday Scout meeting to meet with him the following week... on Monday evening we waived at each other at a stop sign… then on Tuesday, he hung himself in his home. I have come to regret that fairly frequently; it was so difficult for his son who was a boys scout mate of my son… And now, when I trace anxiety with a person whom I know, I make an effort to set that as a priority to listen to the person.

Every year for the last five years, while wishing well on festivals and holidays, As a part of my personal share of responsibility to the well being of fellow beings, I give out my phone number, for the ones among us to call, and thank God a few do, and it feels good to do my share of work.  If you  want to just talk to someone, please feel free to call your friend and ask them to listen…for at least 5 minutes,  or you can call me.

Thank you
Mike Ghouse
(214) 325-1916

Thursday, September 27, 2012

SMU-DMN Election forum on common good

Event: Public forum on Elections and Common Good
Date: 09/27/12 by SMU-Perkins School of Theology & Dallas Morning News

Click on picture to enlarge

My opening remarks;

This particular election has made us acutely aware of the purpose of Governance; to find people from among us, to bring goodness to America at large, and to every American with bias towards none.

What is an ideal society?

Is where, no individual has to live in apprehension or fear of the other, live his or her own life and let others live theirs.

Indeed if we look at the work of all the spiritual masters, be it Zarathustra, Moses, Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Confucius, Mahavira, Muhammad, Native Chiefs, Shamans, Nanak, Baha'ullah  Joseph Smith and others . 
They all had a singular determination - for people to live in harmony. The common values like Justice, truth, trust and respect the otherness of others, were their corner stone’s.

What does God want?

Like a mother who wants her children to do well,
 Like a teacher who want his students to make A’s,
Like a Chef who wants his patrons to enjoy his food,
God wants us to do well and live in harmony.

God loves us all, and he makes sure, no one is deprived of his care. There is always a peace maker, prophet, messenger or a spiritual master who guides the group to live in harmony.

America is God's own Country
America is God’s own country; everything you can imagine is here in America…Whether it is a race, religion, ethnicity, culture, cuisine, nationality… or even different seasons, hot, cold, mild… it is all here. We are a representation of the universe.

Indeed our diversity is the anecdote for extremism. Please remember God has not signed a deal with any one behind our backs, he, she or it will never do that.

As the societies evolve, so did the complexities, crime and good things. And we needed someone to manage our affairs for us, and we elect them to do so.

We expect them and their efforts to be driven by common Good. They need to think in terms of what is good for every American? Without infringing their rights, do unto others is the best values to guide us.

All of us have to make sacrifices for the common good. What is good for you has got to be good for me to sustain.

It’s time to reflect daily..

The Elections have re-invigorated the though process, thanks to Dallas Morning News for bringing this up and making people think about it, more than that, each one needs to ask ourselves… what good have I contributed to the people around me, without a benefit?

# # 

Mike Ghouse is committed to building a Cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. He is a professional speaker, thinker and a writer on pluralism, politics, civic affairsIslamIndiaIsrael, peace and justice. Mike is a frequent guest onSean Hannity show on Fox TV, and a commentator on national radio networks, he contributes weekly to the Texas Faith Column at Dallas Morning News and regularly atHuffington post, and several other periodicals across the world. The blog is updated daily.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Obama Leads Romney by 10%

 As a moderate Republican, I was banking on Romney, he is in indeed a good man, but a ruthless business man who will shut down things if they don't pan out in the short haul, sacrificing the long term good for America, a typical corporate guy. He told, let Detroit go bankrupt, Obama did the right thing, and pulled it through, thus creating jobs and adding to the growth of economy in addition to regaining our glory in automotive industry.

The previous president was secretive, and looks like the drove us to this point.  He was a war monger, so is Romney, it will screw up America, not them and their buddies who have safe havens, but the 309 Million Americans. Now he is flip flopping on every thing... I lost him again in this last week. He will make us a weak nation, shutting one thing after the other making us weak, while he and his buddies will walk away stashing in Swiss banks. He is an appeaser and falsely believes that, the right represent majority of the nation, bad math on his part! I don't see any good happening to America through Mitt, and he may do more harm to our nation than the good he claims to bring.

Mike Ghouse is committed to building a Cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. He is a professional speaker, thinker and a writer on pluralism, politics, civic affairsIslamIndiaIsrael, peace and justice. Mike is a frequent guest onSean Hannity show on Fox TV, and a commentator on national radio networks, he contributes weekly to the Texas Faith Column at Dallas Morning News and regularly atHuffington post, and several other periodicals across the world. The is updated daily.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Texas Faith: Is separation of church and state an idea to keep religious people out of the public arena?

The separation of church and state has been a catalyst in guaranteeing freedom to every religious group. This can be better understood through stark contrasts between pluralistic nations and the nations where one religion dominates the others. We enjoy religious freedom, precisely because of our diversity; an antidote to extremism. You practice your faith and I will do mine.- Mike Ghouse

Twelve Texas Faith Panelists share their thoughts on separation of church and state

TEXAS FAITH: Is separation of church and state an idea to keep religious people out of the public arena?

By Wayne Slater/Reporter
11:18 am on September 25, 2012 | Permalink

In a conference call with Christian conservatives, Gov. Rick Perry dismissed the separation of church and state as an idea advanced to drive “people of faith from the public arena.” The governor went on to say Satan is using it to keep Christians from actively engaging in public policy. “The idea that we should be sent to the sidelines I would suggest to you is very driven by those who are not truthful, Satan runs across the world with his doubt and with his untruths and what have you, and one of the untruths out there is driven – is that people of faith should not be involved in the public arena.”

The governor’s take on theology and American history got mixed reviews – at best – from our Texas Faith panel of pastors, teachers, theologians, lay leaders and religious experts. The recent conference call was an effort to motivate conservative Christians to vote their values in November. Perry used language familiar to social conservatives – “spiritual warfare” and “Christian soldiers” and a growing tide of “secularism and atheism” – in warning of those making “efforts to remove any trace of religion from American life.”

The premise of the governor’s comments is that separation of church and state is sometimes invoked simply to discourage people (read it: people whose ideas you don’t like) from getting involved in politics and public policy. Is that true? And, perhaps more to the point, how do we make sure that doesn’t happen? In our political debate this election season, what’s the proper balance between warning against theocracy and encouraging faith in the public square? The Texas Faith panel had some ideas.

MIKE GHOUSE, President, Foundation for Pluralism, Dallas

The separation of church and state has been a catalyst in guaranteeing freedom to every religious group. Indeed, it is an incentive to participate in the political process to ensure that one’s rights are protected, and prevent domination by any group from dictating its terms to others.

If an attempt is made to infringe on the rights of others, we all need to stand up for them, just as we did with the Catholic Church about contraceptives. Most certainly, protection of our rights depend on protecting the rights of others; a hallmark of enduring civilizations.

This can be better understood through stark contrasts between pluralistic nations and the nations where one religion dominates the others.

In Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, Pakistan and other countries, the majority through their deafening silence, continues to deny the basic religious rights to its minorities. The merciless upper hand of one religion over the other(s) has undeniably screwed up justice; the source of anguish, unrest and consequent instability and pain for all.

Compare that to the United States, where the religious rights of all are protected (relatively). On any given street in Dallas, you will find places of worship of multiple denominations functioning together, that was not the case in the United States generations ago, and we have come a long way, thanks to the separation.

We enjoy religious freedom, precisely because of our diversity; an antidote to extremism. You practice your faith and I will do mine.

Governor Perry is perhaps using phrases like “spiritual warfare” and “Christian soldiers” to whip up support for his declining political power, and probably may not succeed in his motives, as the Evangelicals know that the freedom to practice their faith is not trampled. Religion has been used, abused and misused by politicians throughout the history of mankind for political gains, Perry is no exception.

We are a land of the free and need to keep it that way. The separation of church and state is a catalyst that has assured safer and securer communities in the United States, and we don’t want to regress from that.

Texas faith is a weekly column, where panelists from different traditions respond to the issues of the day - for all the responses, please visit Dallas Morning News at

Mike Ghouse is committed to building a Cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. He is a professional speaker, thinker and a writer on pluralism, politics, civic affairsIslamIndiaIsrael, peace and justice. Mike is a frequent guest onSean Hannity show on Fox TV, and a commentator on national radio networks, he contributes weekly to the Texas Faith Column at Dallas Morning News and regularly atHuffington post, and several other periodicals across the world. The is updated daily

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Cathedral of Hope - Interfaith Pluralism Prayers

" Dallas, Texas – On September 21, Peace Pilot will light up the Texas Night with a large scale video projection across the exterior and interior walls of the Interfaith Peace Chapel in Dallas, Texas, in an open, community-based celebration of International Peace Day."

This press release will continue after my note below;
More pictures will be added 
If you are in Dallas, make the time to visit this beautiful interfaith chapel at 5910 Cedar Springs Road in Dallas, its peaceful in there... years ago, I felt the same at the Baha'i lotus temple in New Delhi.

About the peace chapel on their website, 

The Interfaith Peace Chapel is a modern masterpiece designed by award-winning and world-renowned architect Philip Johnson. It is a brilliant, inspirational design of "sculpture as architecture." Seating up to 175 people, the chapel provides ideal space for intimate worship services, commitment ceremonies and memorial services.
This sacred space makes a bold and highly visible statement to the world about our commitment to the vision God has placed upon our hearts. We believe wholeheartedly that God will transform millions of lives through this building!"

A year ago in Dallas Morning News, I wrote about the Peace Chapel
My role was to greet and share the pluralism prayers.

1. Essence of greetings

A. Acknowledging the stranger
B. Inviting the other to connect with you
C. Possible friendship

When you say Namaste to someone, you are essentially saying, let the good in you connect with the good in me. When the Abrahamic faiths call Salaam, Shalom and peace to you, they are initiating a relationship with peace. May you be drenched in peace, soaked in peace and together we will talk, think and act peace. It is conditioning each other for creating good acts and talks. (elaborated in the speech)

2. Greetings - Request to remain silent, or repeat after me quietly or in Chorus

American - Aho piva (Cheyenne)
Baha'i - Allah-u-Abha
Buddhist - Buddha Namo
Christian - Peace to you
Hindu - Namaste
Jain - Jai Jinendra
Jewish - Shalom
Muslim - Salaam
Sikh - Satsri Akaal
Wicca - Blessed be
Zoroastrian - Hamazor Hama Asho bed

I hope within the next decade we all will grow up to be comfortable in greeting each other with any one of the greetings as synonyms.

3. Prayer

  • Dear creator. Please accept our gratitude in every name we call upon you; Mahio, manito, Yahweh, Elohim, Ishwar, Buddha, Wahe Guru, Ahura Mazda, Mother Earth, Allah and Jesus Christ.
  • Thank you lord for enriching our nation with your creation represented by different races, nationalities, ethnicities, orientations,  languages, cultures, ideals and religions.
  • Dear God, together we see you as one, none and many and see you as male, female and genderless, we take you as a being as well as nonbeing, some us have a name for you and for some you are nameless, but together we believe we are one universe, one people and one humanity.
  • Dear causer of the Universe, in your name we want to create a cohesive and peaceful America with care, kindness and dignity to every one of the 312 million of us as well as 7 billion of us in the world.
  • Dear God, guide us to talk, act and believe that we are one humanity and one nation under you.
  • Dear God, as we undertake the mission of building cohesive societies, where no one has to live in apprehension of the other, we are painfully aware of the ignorance, fear, mistrust and ill-will that divides us, help us open our hearts and minds towards receiving each other.
  • Dear God, guide us to become conflict mitigaters and good will nurturers.
  • Dear God, Protect our men and women in uniforms committed to our safety and well being.
  • Dear God, help us think, speak and act peace every moment of the day.
  • Dear God, guide us to value and practice the principles of liberty and justice for all of your creation, just as you treat us.
  • Dear God, give us your infinite wisdom and give us the courage to do the right thing, every moment of the day.
  • Help us learn to respect the otherness of other in each one of us, and accept the god given uniqueness in each one do us.
  • In your precious name we bow
Press release continued:
For more information about Peace Pilot contact:
Trayc Claybrook @                     

Peace Pilot Presents International Peace Day 2012
Dallas, Texas – On September 21, Peace Pilot will light up the Texas Night with a large scale video projection across the exterior and interior walls of the Interfaith Peace Chapel in Dallas, Texas, in an open, community-based celebration of International Peace Day. 
Peace Pilot is a monumental video art installation by Dallas artist Trayc Claybrook, comprised of four high definition videos, which depict a hero’s journey towards peace. The Interfaith Peace Chapel is an architectural gem by renowned architect Phillip Johnson, which for one night will serve as a massive movie screen for the Peace Pilot video projections.
Doors open at 6:00 PM, followed by an introduction to the guest speakers at 7:00 PM, and the official lighting of the video installation at 7:30 PM, as well as a screening of the videos inside the chapel. There will be a Q & A session at 8:00pm for the speakers and filmmaker.
Peace Pilot is currently raising funds to support the September 21 event, through the crowd-sourcing website Indiegogo (, and welcomes tax-deductible donations.
Peace Pilot began as Trayc Claybrook’s response to a call by Jeremy Gilley of the international organization Peace One Day, who urged people across the globe to create events in recognition of International Peace Day 2012. Claybrook visited the Interfaith Peace Chapel, and was struck by the beauty and grace of the structure.  She sparked the idea of projecting her recently finished videos about peace on the exterior and interior walls of the building.
We would be very honored for you to attend and participate in this meditation with us. We’re also asking for your help to promote the event through social media. Information about the film maker and project along with a clip of the film can be found at 

Peace Pilot” Premier
Friday, September 21 - International Day of Peace
Interfaith Peace Chapel
5910 Cedar Springs Dallas, Texas 75235

6:00 p.m. Gathering/Refreshments
7:00 p.m. Program
8:15 p.m. Reception
9:00 p.m. Event Conclusion
This is a free event, open to everyone
Thank you for being light in the world and for your love and support of this exciting project. Do not hesitate to call on me if you have questions or if you need clarification on anything. We look forward to seeing you there!


Mike Ghouse is committed to building a Cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. He is a professional speaker, thinker and a writer on pluralism, politics, civic affairsIslamIndiaIsrael, peace and justice. Mike is a frequent guest onSean Hannity show on Fox TV, and a commentator on national radio networks, he contributes weekly to the Texas Faith Column at Dallas Morning News and regularly atHuffington post, and several other periodicals across the world. The is updated daily.

Shouldn't Bush support Romney as Clinton supports Obama?

It was good to see President Clinton bat for Obama; he puts things in perspective for people to see clearly what is happening. He has turned things around for Obama in the convention, and is doing that now hitting Sunday morning political shows.

On the other hand, either Romney or the mainstream Republican Party is keeping former President Bush at bay, what a shame!

They did not even want to see President Bush Jr., or senior in the convention, of course President Bush pre-empted them by saying he can’t make it, even before a possible ask.

Romney has a whole lot of Bush men working with him, including Rove. The Democrats will hit him hard as the time gets closer, “Governor Romney, were you embarrassed about your former Republican President?”  Did you realize that the men and women surrounding you are the same group of embarassers?

Most moderate Republicans were banking on Romney’s moderation, including me, but Romney slipped, he assumed the only way to get elected was to turn to the right, who did have a good record of turning around in 2010, gaining a majority in the house.

What Romney failed to see was, as he has failed to see so many other things, that the Republicans dumped radicals like Santorum, Cain, Gingrich, Bachman and their likes, none of them fit in the common good criteria.  If Romney was any smart, he would not follow the path of those who were rejected. He can still dump them, but that would be too much flip flop.  

In one breath he says he is not obligated to include nearly half of America, after getting caught, he starts saying I want to represent 100%, there is no shame in him.  He was against gay marriages and now the opportunist saw the power of GLBT lobby, and will say something else. He jumps on our Cairo Embassy statement and labels it apology, he did not even check the facts and jumped the gun for sheer political advantage, he did not give a shit about the security of Americans overseas.  The man does not have the balls to stand his own ground, or his own principles.
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Mike Ghouse is a speaker, thinker and a writer on the topics of Pluralism, Coexistence, politics, interfaith, Islam and cohesive societies. He is committed to building a cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Muslims don't get it - free speech and legitimacy of voilence


The Legitimacy of Muslim protests about the film ‘Innocence of Muslims’ and the freedom of speech are major issues facing the world today. I am pleased to offer a summary of issues and pluralistic solutions. If you feel hatred towards them, you are clearly justifying their hatred towards you. We all have to rise above it and mitigate conflicts and nurture goodwill. That was the message of Jesus, Muhammad (pbuh) and every spiritual master. We cannot have peace, unless we contribute to it, we cannot have peace, if we aggravate it.

More Fatwas on the way on Anti-Islamic film maker

There is no shortage of opportunists in the world. No one has exclusive monopoly on being an idiot; members of every race, religions, nationality and ethnicity are in this game together, particularly the politicians. This essay is about a $100,000 bounty offered on the head of the anti-Islamic film maker from Pakistan. Iran would be the next one to issue.

Mirza Ghalib is an Indian poet who has written a couplet on every possible situation in the world. Here is a couplet on this situation in Urdu/ Hindi language;

"Bewkoofon ki koi kami nahin ghalib,
Ek dhoondho hazaar milte hain."

There is no dearth of idiots O Ghalib,
Look for one, thousands will emerge.

Humor first. Some 40 years ago, I read in Shama Magazine  about a boat that was violently rocking in the middle of a storm in the Atlantic Ocean near Bermuda, everyone was scared to death and were desperately panicking. One man stands up in the boat, his friend says, what the hell are you doing? He says, “Praying”, the friend laughs, you are the worst sinner in the world, and you believe in prayers? The man tells him to shut up and stands up anyway, and calls every one to join him in the prayer.

After a long spiel, he says Dear God, we seek your help, please calm the waters down and save our lives….

Fifteen minutes later, the storm subsides and the boat safely reaches the coast, after everyone got off the boat, they fell on this man’s feet and praised him to no end… you are a saint, you are a man of God... and on and on, and the man was basking in the lavishes.

His friend pulls him over and screams in his ear, you liar, what if the storm had sunk us all?

The smirking chimp responds with a smile - then no one would have been there to question me, right?

The moral of the story is - a cunning man, Ghulam Ahmad Bilour, a minister in Pakistan is offering a bounty of $100,000 on the maker of the Anti-Islamic film.  He has got nothing to lose but gain from it because that bounty is as good as asking God to help win the Mega Million lottery.

New York Times reports, “A Pakistani cabinet minister on Saturday offered a $100,000 reward for the death of the person behind the anti-Islam video made in the United States that has roiled Muslims around the world, even suggesting that Taliban and Al Qaeda militants could carry out the killing.

The next one in line would be President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, who is losing out in Iran with the sanctions, and the only way out for him is to show to his people that he fears no one but God, and he will get a fatwa issued on the film maker as if it is a heroic thing, and a few will fall for it.

A few idiots in American politics may be hatching schemes to turn Obama upside down, and may get a few fake threats issued by the numerous,  dime a dozen repugnant radical Al-Qaeda type of gangs, upon which I hope Obama will not act in-judiciously to prove that he is macho man.

Romney may have nothing to lose like that man on the boat, and say, “If I am the president, I will bomb them to Oblivion” and make Obama look weak. Romney may win my support, if he were to say, “If I am the president, I will emulate President Obama, and chase those bad individuals and get them, just like the President got Bin Laden and Awalaki, instead of bombing the countries to smithereens and screwing up America, and American economy." Would he do that?

I urge men and women on the right, particularly Limbaugh, Coulter and my friend Sean Hannity, not to make a political capital out of this. It will encourage more chaos, and it is not good for America. Let Romney and Obama fight on their character and abilities. Let the best one for America win. I am a Republican and I want the best man (at this time, next time, I pray it would be a woman) to run this nation. Romney has a lot of explaining to do to come close to Obama at this point. We do need some one who can turn things around or at least not screw it up.

President Obama and Hilary Clinton did not apologize to any one over the violent incidents in the Middle East, they simply pointed out to the Pakistani public through their adverstiments videos that the movie was disgusting, that we respect the sentiments of people of faith. The movie was not supported by America, it was made by a looney and we have to freedom in our country.

We have to watch out for the fatwas and the political schemes and not react unnecessarily, its a game to them and we don't need to get sucked into the fakies.

Mike Ghouse

Forum on Elections at SMU - Open to Public

Texas Faith  and Perkins School of Theology - Public forum on Elections and common Good. 

Please check the map in the link and familiarize parking, it will save you the time.

================================================= =========
Texas Faith’s next public forum will be held on Thursday, September 27
Next Thursday, at SMU’s Perkins School of Theology, Texas Faith panelists William Lawrence, Mike Ghouse, Katie Sherrod, George Mason, Dwight McKissic and Gordon Wright will participate in a discussion about the 2012 election and the common good. I will moderate the panel, which will focus on whether the 2012 race is furthering the nation’s good and how the campaigns could do so better.
We hope to see you at Protho Hall on the SMU campus for the free event, which starts at 7:00 p.m. and runs until 8:30

SMU's Perkins School of Theology to hosts Elections and the Common Good

I am pleased to invite you to join me to hear out  “Elections and the Common Good” -a pluralists perspective on issues of the day - Mike Ghouse
SMU's Perkins School of Theology to host Texas Faith Public Forum
Forum Topic: Elections and the Common Good
September 12, 2012

DALLAS (SMU) – Perkins School of Theology will host a Texas Faith Public Forum, “Elections and the Common Good,” Thursday, September 27, 2012, from 7-8:30 pm in the Great Hall of Elizabeth Perkins Prothro Hall.

This event will be moderated by Dallas Morning News editorial columnist William McKenzie and senior political writer Wayne Slater of the newspaper's Texas Faith blog, which brings together religious leaders and thinkers from diverse faith traditions to discuss contemporary issues and concerns.

Perkins School of Theology Dean William B. Lawrence – one of the forum panelists – notes that this event is scheduled less than one week before the first presidential debate, and provides the opportunity to ask, “How is the 2012 election helping to define the national good – and how can the campaigns do that better?”

In addition to Dean Lawrence, panelists include the following leaders:

1.            Katie Sherrod, an independent writer/producer and Episcopalian activist, Fort Worth
2.            George Mason, senior pastor of Wilshire Baptist Church, Dallas
3.            Dwight McKissic, senior sastor of Cornerstone Baptist, Arlington
4.            Gordon K. Wright, North Texas leader of The Church of Jesus Christ of LDS
5.            Mike Ghouse, president of the Foundation for Pluralism, Dallas

The public is invited to this event, and there is no charge to attend. Prothro Hall is located on the SMU campus at 5901 Bishop Boulevard in Dallas. Free parking in the Meadows Museum garage, located across the street from Prothro Hall, can be accessed from Bishop Boulevard by turning right on Schlegel Street. Guests must use the left lane of the entryway to the parking garage to avoid a charge for parking. A map of the SMU campus is available at

For more information:

Connie L. Nelson
Director of Public Affairs and Alumni Relations at Perkins School of Theology
   class="skype_pnh_logo_img" v:shapes="_x0000_i1025">214-768-2335;
Tim McLemore

Associate Director of Public Affairs at Perkins School of Theology
About Perkins School of Theology:

Perkins School of Theology, founded in 1911, is one of five official University-related schools of theology of The United Methodist Church. Degree programs include the Master of Divinity, Master of Sacred Music, Master of Theological Studies, Master of Church Ministries, and Doctor of Ministry, as well as the Ph.D., in cooperation with The Graduate Program in Religious Studies at SMU’s Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences.

About The Dallas Morning News:

Established in 1885, The Dallas Morning News is Texas’ leading newspaper and the flagship newspaper subsidiary of A. H. Belo Corporation. It has received nine Pulitzer Prizes since 1986, as well as numerous other industry awards recognizing the quality of its investigative and feature journalism, design and photojournalism. Its portfolio of print and digital products reaches an average daily audience of more than 1.1 million people and includes online news and information sites; iPhone, Android and iPad apps; Al Día, the leading Spanish-language daily in North Texas; neighborsgo, a consumer-generated community news outlet; and Briefing, the free, home-delivered quick-read. For more information about The Dallas Morning News, contact Kelly Christensen, Director of Marketing, The Dallas Morning News,   ' class="skype_pnh_logo_img" v:shapes="_x0000_i1026"> 214-977-7654, .