Thursday, June 28, 2012

Americans win today


The security and health of our nation should be our first priority. Defense of the nation and health of Americans go hand in hand.

Thank God, the Supreme Court has upheld the individual health care mandate. Indeed, the Bush appointee Judge Roberts saw the sense in doing the right thing and tilting the decision in a 5-4 ruling.  An average American wins today.

A few may not see the wisdom in it, but when they see the big picture, they will eventually admire it. A healthy America is a productive America and those opposing now will benefit from higher productivity. America is better off with this decision.

My fellow Republicans sincerely believe, and I do too, that government should not be in managing health care or messing with people’s life.  However, when they look at the situation seriously, they have short-changed themselves with mis-information. People are paying for it, and getting their service. Government ain't doing it.
Health of the nation is as much of a priority as the Defense of the nation, one protects from outside invasions, and the other from ill-health, if not guarded both weaken the nation.
With a strong defense and strong health care, Americans win. It is not a socialized medicine; it is a responsible investment in human capital with good returns. It is an investment in a health, that produces more work hours for the nation... that is what they don’t' get.

My fellow Republicans need to be in tune with America, our party has been wrong and short sighted on a few issues. I am a Moderate Sensible Republican American, and I thank the Supreme Court for upholding this decision.
To my fellow Americans at large, Democrats, Libertarian, Green and other party members, GOP is a great party, taken over by a “handful” of short-sigthed individuals  but  when they see the light at the end of the tunnel, they will see the good it does to all of us, including them or their family members and friends.  I welcome them to be in tune with America and Americans.

A majority of us, the Republican Party members are like you, modest, moderate and want the best for every American and every human across the globe. Each one of our political, religious, social, racial, ethnic and cultural groups has a share of a few loud mouths, and we need to deal with them with love and affection, they will come around.
Mike Ghouse
America first, party next.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Texas Faith: Should nations forgive, too?

If we resort to forgiveness and humility, we can restore security to Jews, Ahmadiyya, Baha’i and others. For our own mental well-being, we need to redeem justice to Native Americans, Palestinians, Rohingis (Burma), Falun Dafa (China), Shia (Bahrain), Christians (Asia), Hindus (Pakistan) and others.

Texas Faith is a weekly column at Dallas Morning News managed by Editors William McKenzie and Wayne Slater, the material is contributed by several panelists including Mike Ghouse, for all responses visit
How should the concept of forgiveness play out between countries?

MIKE GHOUSE, President, Foundation for Pluralism, Dallas

Whether it is an individual or a nation, the concept of forgiveness remains the same. It releases one from the bondage of living in the disturbing past.

A month before my late wife passed away from cancer, I reflected with her and listed about 12 items that gave her discomfort. One of the examples was a man whom she had conflict with in a leadership role. Whenever that person was at a party we went to, either he ran off or my wife would whisper to me to get out of the place, excusing herself with a headache. I called the man and others with different situations to visit her. They all denied the problem, but when they visited there was a genuine release from the bondage. They were free at last.

Michami Dukadam is a phrase commonly used in Jain faith to start their new year. Simply put, it is about two people forgiving each other and starting the new moment with a clean slate. My late wife and I had a perfect Michami Dukadam.

When it comes to nations, we have to seriously think about the implications of forgiveness.  Jesus’ central message was forgiveness, so was Krishna’s and Jain teachings. In Quraan, God declares the dearest human to him is the one who forgives. Let’s do it because it is beneficial to us in living a life without anxiety.

The arrogance of nations prevents them from asking forgiveness or forgiving others. They assume it is a weak thing to do. Or they do not want to free the other.

Brave nations and humans ask for forgiveness. Every religion has emphasized it, and God knows what is good for us in the long haul.

In a conference organized by the Memnosyne Foundation in 2005, one of the Shamans from an American Nation expressed her pain about zealous missionaries that destroyed and humiliated her tradition. As a part of reconciliation, she offered a head band for a Christian to accept. A Presbyterian minister stepped up and accepted it. What a relief it was. Forgiveness is powerful.

If we resort to forgiveness and humility, we can restore security to Jews, Ahmadiyya, Baha’i and others. For our own mental well-being, we need to redeem justice to Native Americans, Palestinians, Rohingis (Burma), Falun Dafa (China), Shia (Bahrain), Christians (Asia), Hindus (Pakistan) and others.

If we follow the sound principles of forgiveness and get out of the arrogance, we all can live with a clean conscience.

MikeGhouse is committed to building a Cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. He is a professional speaker, thinker and a writer on pluralism, politics, civic affairsIslamIndiaIsrael, peace and justice. Mike is a frequent guest on Sean Hannity show on Fox TV, and a commentator on national radio networks, he contributes weekly to the Texas Faith Column at Dallas Morning News and regularly at Huffington post, and several other periodicals across the world. The blog is updated daily. 

Republicans and Democrats

As the election is approaching, we need more people to articulate the need for focusing on America. Ultimately what is good for you or your party has got to be good for the average American.

As a professional speaker, I have developed a theme called “Building a Cohesive America” where no American has to live in apprehension, discomfort or fear of the other.

The book, Americans Together, is schedule to be released this summer, and there will be a film on the same theme. Here is a ten minutes clip to present some of our issues and the need for us to come together.

YouTube: Americans Together, a film about America

Please let me know the best time to call you to set up a time to meet.  I hope to address your first available meeting.

Mike Ghouse


Mike paves the way for understanding between different factions of society including religions, cultures and political parties. He is a frequent guest on Fox News, “The Hannity Show”, and on nationally syndicated shows including Dallas TV, print and radio networks, and occasional interviews on NPR.

“Mr. Ghouse is a member of the Texas Faith Panel at The Dallas Morning News and writes about issues facing the nation every week. He writes for The Huffington Post regularly, and occasionally for Washington Post and other daily newspapers and magazines around the world.

He has spoken for international forums including the Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions in Melbourne, Australia; the Middle East Peace Initiative in Jerusalem; and the International Leadership Conference in Hawaii, Chicago and Washington.”

Mike is passionately well versed in pluralism, interfaith movement, politics, justice, cohesive societies, Islam, India, hope and world peace and can speak eloquently on any of these topics.

Mike founded the America Together Foundation (ATF) in 2010, a non-profit entity committed to building a cohesive America, where no American has to live with anxiety, apprehension, discomfort or fear of the other.
Mr. Ghouse will leave your gathering talking for months about his remarkable presentation. You will be drawn to share his message of hope, good will and a united culture, especially here in America.

To engage Mike or for further information, please call            214.325.1916      .
An informative flier to help connect with your audience is available upon request.  More information is available at

Policy on Egyptian Brotherhood and the United States

Far too long we have been unduly influenced and harassed by a few conservatives among us, and their policies have brought disastrous results both at home and abroad. Neither do we have to go off the ozone layer with the liberals nor have to stay within the narrow circle; there is a way, the middle way that can bring good sustainable results.

 We need to remember that diplomacy is about finding solutions through dialogue. Humans dialogue because they are endowed with the ability to talk; animals are bent on annihilating each other, because the only thing they got is the muscle and the horns.

I will be on Sean Hannity Radio Show today, it is a national broadcast and you can find your local station at:

The talk is about the Muslim Brotherhood. He and I have been arguing about the need to talk with the “enemy” even if they were terrorists, “you talk with the ones you make peace with”  said Mother Theresa and not with your friends.

Of course the short-sighted ones (aka the right wingers) will be screaming loud, as if, it is the end of the world. They will gang up and pull all their support systems to push the United States government to reject the duly elected president Dr. Mohamed Mori.

We have made many mistakes in the Middle East, three among them are;

1.    Not recognizing the duly elected Hamas as representatives of the people of the Palestine. Had we done that, we had a chance to huddle with them and work towards a sustainable solution. Instead we rejected them, causing both Israel and Palestinians to dig in their heels. That was a major diplomatic failure on our part.  (many article at this link -

2.    Obama’s biggest blunder was rejecting the statehood to the Palestinians - it would have helped the Jewish people anchor their hopes by dealing with a state and accepting the otherness of others, paving a way for Jews to, once again become who they were once;  a people committed to justice, and would have given hope to Palestinians. Obama blew it all.

3.    Israel made the gravest mistake by urging the United States to stand with Mubarak, alienating the people of Egypt. Their short sightedness is incredible; their administration simply does not get this that the deal is between people of Egypt and people of Israel and not between Netanyahu and Mubarak. Neither leader should make irresponsible statements to jeopardize what is good.

Now, it is time for us to recognize the Brotherhood without reserve, bring them to the table and develop lasting solutions based on dignity and respect to the people who chose Dr. Mohamed Mori. It is respecting the wishes of the people.

Mike Ghouse is committed to building cohesive societies.

Breakfast at McDonalds and John Conlee song

… Signs of senior citizen are surfacing in me, getting up at 4:30 in the morning is one of them. For the last three days, I had the urge to eat pancakes, resisted it, as I did not want to add anymore weight , Yasmeen promised my monthly quota of Paratha this Sunday, the Indian layered flat bread ( OK, Pakistani Paratha, because she is one) with Chicken Curry, a Malaysian favorite as well. 

Well the urge to eat Pancakes was irresistible, and my scale showed me in my limits… 185 pounds! So I drove to McDonald's at 5:04.. walked in and heard the country song.. its 5:04... I was taken back for the coincidence.., I was the first and only customer till 5:45….then three fellow seniors walked in, as I was walking out. 

They were playing old country… and I really like that song… so many times my heart got broken… I am only it for the love ..I was imagining myself ten years from now…. I had two pancakes, two hash browns (they substitute sausage for hash brown), scramble eggs and biscuits… and of course my favorite, McDonald’s coffee... darn the flavor and the aroma is delightful… sometimes I just keep the cup with a lid open and in the car and smell it... what do you do to enjoy your mornings?

I got this John Conlee song... got me going in the morning...and playing and replaying it...

There's something you got that really gets me going
It's hard to believe the way the feelings growing
Let me say before my heart starts showing
I'm only in it for the love
Enjoy it…

Let me know if you like this song

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Is this the America we want?

We are pleased to release the final cut of the trailer for the film
, Americans Together, Building a cohesive America. When complete, it will reflect most aspects of Americans, and their trials and tribulations, hopes and aspirations and their persistent pursuit of happiness. Whether you are a Native American, immigrant or a great grand immigrant, you would be able to relate to it.  We will weave a story into the film to appeal to the larger audience.

Here is a trailer of the movie;

What difference will it make?

The famous story about a man walking on the beach picking the star fish and releasing in the ocean comes to my mind. It did not make sense to an observer watching it every day, so he asks the man, what difference does it make by saving one, when thousands of them out dying on the beach every day? The wise man replies, it made it to the one I released in the water, didn’t it?

In the 100 minutes film, we want to project the most critical issues we face as a nation and possible solutions. Nothing will ever change if we do nothing about it.

All issues are important, if we have to pick a few to fit in the time frame, then we have to pass some, not because they are not important, but because we have to hit ones that affect most of the population. That is our limitation.

It is a test for all of us, who would be involved as we move forward to genuinely assess and value issues that are more significant than our own? We will never be 100% right, but we can do the best we can.   

The first investment is camera and related equipment; you can see the difference in quality of a few clips from the personal video and professional video. To have the right equipment and get the right effect we need the professional camera and paraphernalia. I need individuals to assist me in DC, NY, LA, Seattle, Chicago, Miami and Dallas.

If you believe, the movie will become a contributor towards bringing a positive change in America, where every one can continue to live his or her life without apprehension, please support, and please contribute generously. Your support will be listed at the website. You can donate any sum at

Thank you

Mike Ghouse
(214) 325-1916
America Together Foundation
Dallas, Texas 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

TEXAS FAITH: What are you reading this summer? And why?


Our Constitution amazes me, and I literally worship its wisdom about human rights and the rights of individuals. I want to read and learn about the inspiration behind the debates, revisions and the process behind finalization of these words: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." 

. . . . . . . 

For a number of reasons, summer is known as a time of reading. That could be because of so many summer books coming out. It could be that we all have more time to read on vacation. Or it could be that summer is less stressful.

Texas Faith is a weekly column at Dallas Morning News managed by Editors William McKenzie and Wayne Slater, and the material is contributed by several panelists including Mike Ghouse, for all responses visit:

Your answers will help inform our readers about your cast of mind -- and the topics that you consider important.

MIKE GHOUSE, President, Foundation for Pluralism, Dallas

Abraham Lincoln's autobiography is one of the books I will be reading this summer. His statement, "with malice towards none" has been one of my anchors since my college interfaith discussions. I have given many forms to it in my writings, including with prejudice towards none.

I am committed to read about America and Americans as a guide in making, Americans Together, Building a cohesive America. When complete, the documentary will reflect most aspects of Americans, and their trials and tribulations, hopes and aspirations and their persistent pursuit of happiness. Whether you are a Native American, immigrant or a great grand immigrant, you would be able to relate to it.

Our Constitution amazes me, and I literally worship its wisdom about human rights and the rights of individuals. I want to read and learn about the inspiration behind the debates, revisions and the process behind finalization of these words: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

As a pluralist Muslim, I take a quiz at Beliefnet every year, and have consistently found that I am 100% Unitarian Universalist, 97% Quaker, 88% Buddhist, 85% Reformed Jew, 85% Neo Pagan, 79% Baha'i, 80% Muslim, 68% Hindu and 28% Catholic among others. My low score about the Catholic faith bothers me, and I am committed to read books on Catholicism. I want to improve my understanding to at least 50%. All recommendations are welcome.

MikeGhouse is committed to building a Cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. He is a professional speaker, thinker and a writer on pluralism, politics, civic affairsIslamIndiaIsrael, peace and justice. Mike is a frequent guest on Sean Hannity show on Fox TV, and a commentator on national radio networks, he contributes weekly to the Texas Faith Column at Dallas Morning News and regularly at Huffington post, and several other periodicals across the world. The blog is updated daily. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What % of Hindu, Christian, Jew or a Muslim are you?

As a pluralist, I take a quiz at Beliefnet every year, and have consistently found that I am 100% Unitarian Universalist, 97% Quaker, 88% Buddhist, 85% Reformed Jew, 85% Neo Pagan, 79% Baha’i, 80% Muslim, 68% Hindu and 28% Catholic among others. 

My low score about Catholic faith bothers me, and I am committed to read books on Catholicism. I want to improve my understanding to at least 50%.

To be in tune with the whole humanity, meaning peace within, we have to remove ill-will, bias, hatred, anger and other elements that disturb our tranquility. That is what Vedas teach Vasudaiva Kutumbukum (Hinduism), Rabbul Aalameen (Islam) and all of us are God's children (Christianity) and Mother earth (all native and earth based traditions including wicca and Pagan).

We can call ourselves a good Muslim, a good Hindu, a good Jew, a good Christian or a good Sikh when we don't have hatred for any. Most people get their religion right and a few don't. We need to develop the ability to see the ones who do and not re-act to the ones who don't get it. 

1. Every one of us should score 50% on all religions.

2. It is the rituals that separate one from the other. My score of 80% in Islam is strictly due to a few ritual questions.

3. Philosophically, we should score at least 66.7% on all.

4. In essence, we should all score 100% if we believe the purpose of religion is to bring tranquility to an individual and create cohesiveness with others. 

I will update it later today with more information.

Mike Ghouse 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Honoring Fathers - Happy fathers day
My father Abdul Rahman, my dadly-friends Everett Blauvelt and DD Maini

My father is my hero. He opened the windows of wisdom to me and led his life as an example. He was one of the most open minded persons I have known; he had prejudice towards none, indeed, if I pass that test and I am close,  I would like to have my head stone read "zero prejudice".  Thank you Dad! 

Much of my sense of equality and feeling on par with everyone comes from his life model. 

I have to use the disgusting word “Untouchable” to describe the situation in the early 60's of India. Yes, a group of people were called untouchables, indeed they make up 3rd of India's population. I will share a few examples that may make you shudder. Indeed, the grand parents of African American youth, and the older generation of Native Americans may relate with this.  Thank God, both America and India have made tremendous progress in civility, but it is shameful, this is still a practice in many nations.

Unfortunately, that was a fact of life when I was growing up in India. “They” worked outside, and were not allowed in  Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh and other homes. My Dad broke all the rules, not only they would come in our home, but would eat in the same plates we would eat, and my mother would cheerfully make tea for them in the same cups we would drink. Never were they looked down or talked down… (This was common) to Mara, Naga…and others who worked for us from time to time.  My Dad’s actions had a big impact on me, and my mother had continuously reinforced those values. He said it was the right thing to do.

In the early sixties, water was drawn from the open wells in my town, and I watched the first water lines laid in the town. The public water faucets were set in the corner of every other street. We all went to collect water, and I watched some of the most humiliating acts there.  After one of “them” collected the water, a few from my line would go to the faucet and bloody wash the faucet  several times before they collected the water,  and I could see the pain on the faces of others waiting in the line. The only good thing was the lines and “they” had equal opportunity with every one, even thought there were two lines.
We simply cannot appreciate Mahatma Gandhi enough, the father of my nation of birth, he called them “Harijan” God’s people and gradually the word became a descriptor of the people. They are called Dalits as well. The founding fathers were ahead of their times, like the founding fathers of America. The wrote great constitutions which are gradually being emancipated, we still have a long ways to go.

My Dad was screamed at by his friends and local leaders (he was a council man and a Mayor of the town) for allowing “these” people in our homes. My Dad had the balls to defy the world and always did what was the right thing, and thanks to my Dad for passing on those balls to me.

He treated all of us kids with dignity and I am pleased I got to be disciplined at least once, the memory of which consistently reminds me to get my act together. I guess I replicated that with my children to the point my kids would actually say, Dad, you should have disciplined us. I did not see the need for it. I am fine and they are fine too. I did give them the cold shoulder that my father had given me to straighten me out, and it worked both ways, although my daughter was a tough cookie, she would not budge, she almost behaves like my mother with me and I loved it.

He taught that life isn't worth as much if we cannot stand up and help a fellow being.  I was about ten years old and watched a man fall off his bicycle with his big bag of raw rice (paddy) and was struggling to get back on it, and I wasn't going to help the man. I saw my father about 100 feet away, and the way he sped towards me got me frightened for the first time in my life... Instincts work as my guilt warned it.  I dashed inside the home and a few minutes later after helping the guy he was in… I climbed on top of the paddy bags in a corner of the house, I thought he could not get me there, so he goes outside and plucks a long branch off the mulberry tree and gives me a few good ones. "My son will never do that" after that conditioning, I have developed the habit of stopping for everyone who needs help. I dare not watch and not do something about it.

He was affectionate, caring and kind towards everyone I know. Every one in the town called him "Mamu"- uncle. They all came to him with issues, they trusted his integrity to do the just thing. 

He was rarely angry, and I can count on the number of times I have been angry on my finger tips; thanks to him, he passed it on.  If you are a father, remember, your kids are likely to emulate you, think for them what you want them to be as grownups. What would you want them to be? 

When I was about 5 years old, one of our tenants was angry at his brother, he was nearly white but had turned red in anger, he picked up a big slab of rock and was about to slam it on his brother.. my Dad rushed and grabbed the rock… the seething look on that man’s face is permanently etched in my mind… the moment, I find myself angered, I think of him and said to myself, Ayyo (Bangalore expression for amazement) I don’t want to look that ugly and my anger  vanishes. In the last 15 years I must have been angry no more than three times. Ruben, my serviceman went to cash the check from the bank, and the bank asked too many ID’s because he was Mexican. I flew off the handle on the phone and cursed the hell out of the manger, until he gave him the cash.

Pluralism indeed runs in my family. He taught one of the biggest lessons of my life in social cohesiveness and dealing with extremism that I continue to reflect in my talks, acts and write ups. 

Remember your child will work, live and perhaps marry someone from a different race, ethnicity, faith, culture or a nation… as a father (its father’s day - it would have been mother on mother's day) have you thought of preparing your son or daughter for that day and save them misery of prejudice? I believe deep down every father wants “happiness” for their kids, but sometimes, messes up with them by the display of his own un-checked prejudices. I am glad I "dragged" my children to every place of worship for them to be familiar with how other people worship the creator. Happiness is feeling safe and secure with every human out there and it comes when we are exposed to it.

I think of my Dad almost every other day, but today, I am going to sit down, meditate and think about all the good things he has done to me, including my education, and pray for his soul. I do the Muslim way, as that is the way I am familiar with, but you do your own way, whatever makes you comfortable. You Dad will be happy whether he is alive with you or in the heavens.  

I am also going to pray for the health of my fatherly-friends Mr. Everett Blauvelt and Shri D. D. Maini, 97 and 86 respectively and hope to visit both of them today; one is in senior care and the other in hospital. Both are very dear to me.   

Happy father’s day to you as well. If you need a ear to hear you, you are welcome to call me today at (214) 325-1916 - and I would have the affection like a father for you. If you are older than me call me as your son.

This write up is also available at: 

Mike Ghouse 

Friday, June 15, 2012

No boundaries for me, what about you?


I am free from religious, nationalistic, cultural and religious boundaries. I do not have the barriers between me and another human being. I am asked daily whether I am a Christian, Hindu or a Muslim... as I talk and write about all religions in equal tone. I am all, and I am none.

I am as comfortable with a Christian as with a Hindu, Jew, Pagan, Atheist or a Muslim, nothing eggs me against another human being. I do not look down or look up at their ways of doing things. I take every one as they are; another individual like me.

Each one of us comes with an identifier or an ethnic/racial marker; Indian in my case. There are 1.3 Billion of us with that marking on this planet, this clearly identifies my geographical area. Of course, the Bangladeshis, Nepalese, Sri Lankans and Pakistanis are all in the same ethnic group and the Indian Diaspora is in the same group as well. 

Some day, I hope, we become civilized enough to drop all identifiers except the natural one. Thank God, America leads the pack in civility - our passports do not identify anything but our natural markings. No religion, no denomination, no political orientation, no social grouping and no economic status or even the the damned profession. 

For my daily food, I choose what my taste bud finds happiness in, but that does not mean any food is inferior or superior to the other...If one enjoys the mothers food and says it it is the best... he or she is saying my mom's food has conditioned my taste buds, and it is home to my mom's food, that is the taste my buds find in tune with. Never does it mean that, it is the best nutritionally, aesthetically, looks wise or other quantitative measurements. It is an emotional bonding. It does not negate other foods. I have enjoyed every food out there and continue to cherish new tastes. Every day is a beautiful new addition. 

I drink both coffee and tea, neither is superior to the other, but both satisfy my taste buds.

I love blue, beige and white shirts, dark pants, deep colored ties that don't look busy, just as you have your own comfort zone. It does not mean green or black shirt is anything less, it simply means I enjoy a few.

I chose Islam about a dozen years ago and that does not mean Islam is superior to any religion... I enjoy the beauty of each religion and love the way people express their gratitude to the creator.  

I love my language Urdu dearly, not because it is better, but because I am accustomed to enjoying it as others enjoy their language. 

I am happily married to Yasmeen and I pray every one finds his or her joy in their partner.

Nothing in the world, especially religion, nationality, ethnicity or race is superior or inferior to the others. They are simply choices we choose or get chosen. They are unique and work for every believer, observer, consumer or follower... 

All of us have issues, the problems is not with the issues. Our peace and tranquility is determined by how we deal witht the issues.  Some may not agree, but at least in our country America, everyone has a choice to be happy or not happy, mind you, it is not the money, it is the attitude that produced your joy. Every one of us have to find our own balance in life, some of us lose it sometimes, but gain it back other times.

As long as you can be peaceful, guilt free, carry no grudges, ill-will and believe in freedom of others as much as yours... you are blessed, and thank God I am blessed too. And I am blessed to find in tune with myself with so many of great friends in life, home and facebook. Those with whom I disagree, I do it respectfully. My opinion is no superior to theirs, it is just different.

Thanks, may God bless you to be at peace despite what goes around you. Amen!

My best wishes to you.
Mike Ghouse

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Is Aamir Khan an Avatar of Krishna?

Is Aamir Khan an Avatar of Krishna?

Abuse of Sonogram is a big story in India. In its first show, called Satyamev Jayate (truth ultimately triumphs), in May this year, it featured female feticide. The show has turned India upside down and new laws are being passed to prevent the abuse.  A salesman sells the sonogram machine to the Doctors as an investment that will return their capital in six months, and unchecked income continues after that by performing abortions - not male babies but female babies.  Guardian reports 6 million girl abortions in the last decade in India, reconfirmed by ABC news i.e., aborting 50,000 female babies a month.

In the sting operation, one doctor asks; if the baby does not die thru aborticides, what should be done, the other says, throw it in the river when it comes out. Yes, it is disgusting and heart wrenching to watch. This, one particular evil has led to disproportionate ratio of men and women to a point of sharing the wife with brothers and friends or selling one’s wife to the highest bidder.
The good news is that the prophecy of Krishna is relevant, in Bhagvad Gita IV-7 Krishna narrates to Arjuna: “Whenever Dharma, or the situation of law and order, is endangered on this world, I incarnate onto this world to re establish Dharma, law and order, and to protect good and destroy the evil elements of the society.” The movie actor Aamir Khan is indeed an incarnation of Krishna in mitigating the evil of female feticide, dowry, child abuse, and other evils of the Indian society.

Texas Faith is a weekly column at Dallas Morning News managed by Editors William McKenzie and Wayne Slater, and the material is contributed by several panelists including Mike Ghouse.

For all the other responses visit:

How much information is enough? The New York Times reported last week that researchers have discovered that performing simple tests on parents can lead to an understanding of almost the entire genome of a fetus. By taking a blood sample from a pregnant woman and a saliva specimen from the father, experts can let parents know virtually all the DNA of a child before it is born.

As the Times reported, thousands of genetic diseases could be detected. In the not-so-distant future, parents could pay an affordable price to get that information, too.

But this breakthrough also raises complicated ethical issues. On the one hand, parents could be more ready for the challenges that await them. Yet will this lead to more abortions, including of children whose parents don't like the DNA profile?

Undoubtedly, we all like information. But you could argue the creation story in Genesis shows the risks that come in acquiring knowledge.

Is this one of those instances? Is this discovery taking medical knowledge too far?

MIKE GHOUSE, President, Foundation for Pluralism, Dallas

We have come a long way in accepting things we would not have accepted each previous decade or a century. Whether it is ethics, morality, civility, religion, science or medical knowledge, we have accepted the new information despite the initial resistance.

There was a time, when saving a life was considered evil, it was considered against the will of God, and we battle that even today. In 2010, 70 children died in Zimbabwe, because of the religious opposition to vaccination. The religious tolerance organization reports that an average of one sick child a month dies in the United States from denied medical attention.

Discovering medical knowledge is not going too far. It is indeed beneficent in living a better life. The problem is not with the knowledge; but with the abuse of it, which will always be there as a part of the whole. We should not resist new research for the fear of its abuse. Let the benefits to society at large determine our research and not the abuse.

We might consider a requirement of ethical dimension and abuse prevention in the research proposals before they are submitted and funded.

Nuclear power in the right hands is a blessing, but a hell in the hands of evil men. Religion in the right hearts is a mercy to mankind, but a hell for others in the wrong hands. Evil men are not a separate group; they are among us, within each one of the faiths, races, and nationalities. As a society, we have to prevent abuse, but must welcome research.

Abuse of sonograms is a big story in India. The Guardian reports 6 million girl abortions in the last decade in India, reconfirmed by ABC news i.e., aborting 50,000 female babies a month. The good news is there is a strong movement to stop this and laws are being passed.

Unless we discuss the ethics of what parents can or cannot do with the knowledge of a DNA child before it is born, we will never be able to deal with it. With the new knowledge of a difficult DNA child, we will also develop techniques in re-aligning a few, if not all of the defects. We must not withhold the good from those who benefit from the DNA research.

A Doctor friend of mine is teaching stem cell research in Australian and European Universities, and sees the value of the research in terms of improved quality of life for many, in the United States we are still struggling with it. I'd rather struggle and place things in order before we embark on it. It is the American way; infrastructure first. 

We have dealt with Dr. Kevorkian, Terry Schiavo and many other ethical issues and we will continue to do with resistance. We are indeed better off today, living a little better and little longer due to the research in medicine.

Other pieces on Aamir Khan:

Aamir Khan is God sent 

Aamir Khan, the new Social Hero of India


Shirk/ Incarnation

My apologies for lack of clarity in my piece about Aamir Khan. Each one of us has an obligation to resist the temptation to judge a statement or a person, I should have clarified more.

Personally, I don't believe in reincarnation, we are here once as person in flesh and are gone forever. However, on this topic; using the civil language of Sura Kafirun, I must add that, "Muslims don’t believe in what Hindus believe, and Hindus don’t believe in what Muslims believe" when it comes to life after this life, and we don't have. To you is your religion and to me is my religion. Kindly note, God did not condemn the other religion, not one word, he taught us how to be civil in putting the other religion and our religion on Par. Read the Sura again.

As a person committed to seeing the essence of each religion, I see the reincarnation (Hindu) and Life after death (Muslim) as a common value to mould one’s behavior. One does not want be born again less than human, and the other does not want a painful here after and prefers azab-less life. In both instances, reincarnation or life after death, serve the same purpose; behavior modification, to avoid a difficult continuum after this life.

When I wrote, “The movie actor Aamir Khan is indeed an incarnation of Krishna,” and then wrote, “in mitigating the evil of female feticide, dowry, child abuse, and other evils of the Indian society.” The word incarnation was used in its broadest meaning - playing the role of. It is like saying, “my Grand Son talks just like my father” or “Amitabh Bachchan gestures look like like Dilip Kumar’s” or Dev Anand appeared at times like Gregory Peck… The role Aamir Khan is playing fits the ideal role that Krishna played - in removing the evil.

I hope this gives some clarification. I am a strong believer in oneness of creator, creation and humanity.

Jazak Allah Khair
Mike Ghouse

In a message dated 6/14/2012 11:15:45 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

It just clicked by seeing the headline "Is Aamir Khan an Avatar of Krishna", how the Ghlue of Love leads to "Kufr" when even a believer looses his balance and starts believing in Incarnation and ultimately "Shirk".I have lots of love and appreciation for people like you but am afraid if such statements will bring doubts in my thinking.
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MikeGhouse is committed to building a Cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. He is a professional speaker, thinker and a writer on pluralism, politics, civic affairs, Islam, India, Israel, peace and justice. Mike is a frequent guest on Sean Hannity show on Fox TV, and a commentator on national radio networks, he contributes weekly to the Texas Faith Column at Dallas Morning News and regularly at Huffington post, and several other periodicals across the world. The blog is updated daily.