Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pakistan ambassador breaks new ground celebrating Diwali with Indians in Beijing

May this trend continue everywhere.
This highlights a major factor in nation(s) building - you take on step forward to nurture goodwill, the other is bound to take a similar step, don't drop if the other does not match... keep doing, some day he or she will.

Honestly, all the Ambassadors can take that initiative and give birth to a new colossal energy. I happen to watch Sahar Show, a poor Pakistani show, unlike many a great shows that I have been watching recently with Yasmeen. I do not watch TV... except a few shows with her. Last evening he was singing Indian Songs as a part of the entertainment, it was very normal for the audience and him... no condescending attitudes but plain normal attitude. .. when you and I, the individuals drop the small barriers and act, merely act as people of goodwill and good faith and not let pettiness come in our way... we can change things.

The fodder for the politicians is hate and anti-India or anti-Pakistan propaganda, because there are a few chamchas who clap for their heroism, as if the idiots fill their belly with it. As the general population we need to be free from ill-will, let the politicians feed of that...

Some 10 years ago, I was in India consular office in Houston with my late wife's passport. Consular General Wangdi gave tremendous respect and had me and Najma sit in his office and got her passport stamped for multiple visits. The assistant who worked on the passport had stories to tell... great stories of how a Pakistani taxi driver took him in the middle of the night to a hospital with his sick daughter and did not charge him..these Ambassadors can count many great stories on both sides... It is time for them to take initiatives and change.. the upper layers will possibly see the goodness. The visionary Moraji Desai saw that and others can see it too.

For those petty fellow Indians, I have had a chance to marry a Mexican girl, an Algerian Girl and a Chinese girl after Najma... fortunately I met this Pakistani Girl whom I married and who is a blessing in my life. A handful of Indians in my town have a problem - may be 9 out of 80,000 Indians and there are six Pakistanis of the 20,000 some Pakistanis who are hateful towards India and me. Are they significant?

Next time one spills hate for India or Pakistan, be blunt and ask them - does this feed your family? Does this make your heart purer? If it is an older man, ask them, if he is ever going to flush out the sewer from his heart? Here is a real good story to read and watch this story.

We have to continue to do the good, there is hope in it and there is goodness in it for all. Let us become the Ambassadors of peace whether the other also acts good or not.

Mike Ghouse
Committed to Cohesive Societies

Pakistan ambassador breaks new ground celebrating Diwali with Indians in Beijing

Saibal DasguptaSaibal Dasgupta, TNN | Oct 30, 2011, 05.54PM IST

BEIJING: India-Pakistan relations sparkled for a while as Pakistani ambassador Masood Khan and his wife, Zohra, took the rare step of participating in Diwali celebrations at the Indian embassy premises here Saturday evening. Khan also waved at artists performing on the stage and the assembled Indians as a gesture of bonhomie.

The move comes soon after Indian ambassador S Jaishankar visited the Pakistani embassy to pay his condolences over the recent demise of Begum Nusrat Bhutto, the wife and mother of two different prime ministers of Pakistan and the mother-in-law of Asif Ali Zardari, the present one.

The Khans stayed for close to two hours and joined Indian ambassador S.Jaishankar for dinner along with Sultan Ahmad Baheri, the ambassador of Afghanistan and Sun Weidong, deputy director general of the department of Asian affairs in the Chinese ministry of foreign affairs. The event took on a diplomatic hue as this is the first time in many years that a Pakistani ambassador has visited the Indian occasion on a festive occasion.

The event attended by Indians living in Beijing included a Bharat Natyam performance by Chinese dancer Jin Shanshan and display of fire crackers, which is usually not allowed outside the embassy premises in Beijing.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Happy Diwali - the essence of Diwali

Diwali is the Indian festival of lights and light symbolizes hope and positive energy, it indicates the victory of good over evil; a new beginning; seeing the light at the end of tunnel and light is also a symbol of knowledge as it is an internationally used.

People decorate their homes with lights and Rangoli (explained below). Their surroundings filled with colorful light to enliven the day, to mark the dawn of a new era in one's life.

Although Diwali is a Hindu tradition, people of all faiths in India participate in celebrations - Hindus, Jains, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists and others.

My childhood is filled with good memories of Diwali; the sparklers, the food and everything joyous you can imagine.

Happy Diwali to you my friends, may this Diwali bring happiness, serenity and peace to you. Amen!

RANGOLI THEMES (Adapted from various sites)

Those who are experts in art, they can do Rangoli designs on the floor with free hand. Some draw the pattern in a paper and fill it with colors. There are some who draw the outline with chalk and fill it with papers. There are different Rangoli themes with symbols like Swastika, Om, Mangal kalash, Chakra, a lighted Deepak Images Flowers Trees Creepers Birds, Elephants, Dancing figures, Geometric patterns such as circles, semi-circles, triangles, squares and rectangles etc.  

Ingredients used in Rangoli traditionally are rice powder and the colors derived from natural dyes from barks of trees, leaves, indigo, etc. were used. Today however, synthetic dyes are used in a range of different colors. Rangoli being mainly a floor art, varied ingredients are used like as follows: Powdered colors, finely grounded rice flour Turmeric Glitters Natural flowers etc. Rangoli can be given a three-dimensional art effect by applying cereals, pulses either in their natural coloring or tinted with natural dyes.  

They are beautiful, wonderful creations of art indeed. You can take ideas from these designs and make a beautiful Rangoli this Diwali.

Mike Ghouse is committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day to the media and the public. He is a speaker thinker and a writer on the topics of pluralism, cohesive societies, Islam, interfaith, India and Peace. He is available to speak at your place of worship, work, school, college, seminars and conferences. . Mike's work is reflected in 4 website's and 27 Blogs indexed at and you can find this article at

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

TEXAS FAITH: Should the word sin be part of our political vocabulary?

Two generations from now, the word sin would simply mean anything that man does to mess with the cohesiveness of the society. Any conflict that does not mess with the three critical elements like one's space, nourishment and nurtarance will not be considered a sin by a majority of the people regardless of their religious affiliation.

Here is one of the 10 responses at Dallas Morning News;

MIKE GHOUSE, President, Foundation for Pluralism, Dallas

The word Sin should not be a part of our political vocabulary as understood in its historical context; it is divisive and becomes a tool to pit one against the other. Indeed, it is a medium to shut the other out when frightened with a loss of power and control.

Let the word sin remain confined to the domain of religion and not creep into the political parlance, other wise men like Pastor Jeffress, Pastor Robertson, Imam Al-Awlaki,  Rabbi Shapiro and others will have no qualms in declaring others who disagree with them as sinners who deserve to be stripped off the basic human rights.

God has endowed humanity with the ability to communicate and find solutions to the conflicts as opposed to resorting to condemnations and judgments in the garb of sin.

Broadly, conflicts are caused by messing with three critical elements; one’s space, nourishment and nurturance. The civil societies determine the punishment for such violations to sustain trust and maintain equilibrium in a given society.

As far as one’s faith is concerned, it is between the believer and the creator. Whether one believes in Jesus, Muhammad, Krishna, Moses or Confucius is God’s business and no man should have the right to declare it as a sin.

Future of sin

The future definition of sin will cut a lot of fat out of the traditional understanding of sin, which is anything that goes against the norms established by religious men as God’s words.  

Yoffie’s statement gives good grounding in defining sin, “Absent sin, we are not responsible. Absent sin, there is no moral precision. Absent sin, there is no moral judgment. Absent sin, there can be no forgiveness.” 

Once upon a time secular behavior was considered a sin, interacting with people of other faiths was a sin, validating science was a sin, dating was considered illicit; marriage outside your faith was a sin and so many others things have now fallen out of the purview of sin.

Chief Seattle (1854), a Native American said this perfectly, “All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the webs, he does it to himself."

Two generations from now, the word sin would simply mean anything that man does to mess with that web and cohesiveness of the society. Any conflict that does not mess with the three critical elements mentioned above will not be considered a sin by a majority of the people regardless of their religious affiliation.

Mike Ghouse is committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day to the media and the public. He is a speaker thinker and a writer on the topics of pluralism, cohesive societies, Islam, interfaith, India and Peace. He is available to speak at your place of worship, work, school, college, seminars and conferences. . Mike's work is reflected in 4 website's and 27 Blogs indexed at and you can find this article at

TEXAS FAITH: What does the Occupy movement say about American society?

Indeed, the Occupy movement reflects the civility of our society. Frustration craves for expression and we ought to feel good that we have expressed that in the most civil manner.

Here is one of the 11 responses at Dallas Morning News;

MIKE GHOUSE, President, Foundation for Pluralism, Dallas

The Occupy movement is a new phenomenon in American society and is a healthy way of expressing societal frustrations. It is not in our psyche to protest over system failures as we have always found ways to fix them, most of them were specific to an industry or a group like the auto or other unions. Even the protests against Vietnam and Iraq were specific. However, the Occupy movement expresses general frustrations over failures of the system, corporate greed and economic inequality.

Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violence model of protest was relegated to a corner assuming it will not succeed again; however, the Arab spring refreshed the method and gave a new life to it skillfully channeling the frustrations of the masses into powerful results.

The world was glued to the television to watch the next moment of the movement, they were curios and they were rooting for the Egyptians and Libyans. The effectiveness of the protests assured them that peaceful demonstrations can topple the powerful ones and bring the change they want as Gandhi had proved it. The Indians are doing it again with the anti-corruption movement by Anna Hazare and the world is seeing amazing success of the ordinary. Indeed we are anxious to test the newly infused empowerment through the social media.

We Americans have never lost our civility in dealing with difficult issues facing our nation. Indeed, we have witnessed the looting in London and the riots in LA with disdain, while admiring the Japanese for the way they handled the Tsunami, stories of returning bundles of monies back to the agencies to find the people who had lost the money restored our faith in humanity.

The Time Magazine survey results on October 13 found that 54 percent of Americans have a favorable impression of the protests, while 23 percent have a negative impression. An NBC/Wall Street Journal survey found that 37 percent of respondents "tend to support" the movement, while 18 percent "tend to oppose" it.

Indeed, the Occupy movement reflects the civility of our society. Frustration craves for expression and we ought to feel good that we have expressed that in the most civil manner.

Mike Ghouse is committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day to the media and the public. He is a speaker thinker and a writer on the topics of pluralism, cohesive societies, Islam, interfaith, India and Peace. He is available to speak at your place of worship, work, school, college, seminars and conferences. . Mike's work is reflected in 4 website's and 27 Blogs indexed at and you can find this article at

Pamela Geller, Sean Hannity and the Qur’aan

Sean Hannity and Pamela Geller were presented a copy of the Qur’aan translated by Muhammad Asad on the Hannity Show on Friday, October 21, 2011. I am glad she had the time to read some pages from Qur’aan and write a blog about it, which I intend to respond.

It's a business for Pamela to misrepresent Islam. Her Blog has caused a few to read the Qur'an as well and a few have questioned her integrity and I appreciate them for writing to me about it.  Thanks Pamela for the mis-statements.

On this particular blog “The Ghouse diary” only my writings are posted, however, I am including the write up of Pamela Geller as it has do with me. Pamela seems to have fallen in the same trap that a few on the right do; not read the verses before and after and who it is addressed to.  God willing, I plan to respond to her write up and hope she can publish in her blog in the interests of discovering the truth.

There are sixty some verses that are deliberately mistranslated. Steve Blow in Dallas Morning News quotes, “But he said deeper study led him to realize the Quran had been purposely mistranslated down through history. In the Middle Ages, European leaders commissioned a hostile Quran translation to foster warfare against Muslim invaders. Later, Muslim leaders produced another translation to inflame Muslims against Christians and Jews.”

Of the 25 some available translations, two are deliberately mistranslated, for example “ Unlike Jews and Christians 1:7, Slay the Idolaters 9:5,  Jews who turned into apes 2:65, ,  Pluralism in Quraan and several others. Insha Allah, I hope to respond to the misunderstandings of Pamela Geller with the help of Imam Zia Shaikh, who co-authored the response on Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders false claims. The links are references below Pamela’s article.  

Mike Ghouse
Committed to a cohesive America
# # #

Reading the Real Qur’an
Pamela Geller

Last Friday I was on the Sean Hannity Show, debating Muslim activist Michael Ghouse on the future of Libya. 

Debating Michael Ghouse is like shooting kuffar in a barrel. But Friday night, Ghouse presented me with an enormous Qur'an, courtesy of the Muslim Brotherhood-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR): The Message of the Qur'an, Translated and Explained by Muhammad Asad. Giving out these giant door-stoppers is further proof of Hamas-linked CAIR's limitless resources.

Inside, Ghouse had written this inscription: "Quran has 25 translations. 2 are bad -- One by Christian Kings other by Muslims -- both to generate hate for the other. Quran is a book of Justice." On the show, Ghouse gave Hannity a copy of the same edition, repeating his claim about the two "wrong translations" and saying, "This is the right translation."

So this must be the book of peace from the religion of peace. Because Ghouse is all about peace. At his website, he says: "Welcome to my world, the world of Pluralism. If we can learn to accept the otherness of other and respect the God given uniqueness of each one of the seven billion of us, then conflicts fade and solutions emerge."

The only problem that Ghouse fails to address is there is no respect or acceptance of "the other" in Islam. "The others" are despised, denigrated, and dawah-ed to death. Under the sharia, nonbelievers are forced live under dhimmitude, a subjugated class status denied basic human rights. 

According to Ghouse, it would seem that the things in the "bad" translations that are designed to "generate hate" must not be in this Qur'an. The one he gifted to Hannity and me promotes "the world of Pluralism." So I started reading. The first thing I noticed was that this translation uses "God" for Allah throughout, even as it shows on every page that the Allah of the Qur'an is not the G-d of the Jews or of the Christians. Hmmmm.

I found plenty of pluralism. I found Allah saying to the Jews, who "profaned the Sabbath," "Be as apes despicable!" (2:65). And saying to the Muslims that they should "fight in God's cause against those who wage war against you, and do not commit aggression, for, verily, God does not love aggressors. And slay them wherever you find them" (2:190-191). Don't commit aggression, but slay them wherever you find them. Right.

I kept reading. "And as for those women whose ill-will you have reason to fear, admonish them [first]; then leave them alone in bed; then beat them" (4:34; the bracketed word is in the book in this and all other quotes). I sure am glad I am finally reading the right translation.

The pluralism and peace don't end there. I learned that God has "disowned" the "hypocrites" -- that is, people who pretend to be Muslim but aren't really, or who were once Muslim but leave the religion. It says that if they "revert to [open] enmity," the Muslims should "seize them and slay them wherever you may find them" (4:89). So now Muslims are supposed to beat "women whose ill-will" they "have reason to fear," and kill those who wage war against them, and hypocrites who are in open enmity against them, wherever they find them. And we're only on page 139 (out of 1,164 pages). They're not told to try to talk things out, or turn the other cheek, or work to make peace even while defending themselves. Muslims are supposed to fight against those who have "denied the truth" until "there is no more oppression and all worship is devoted to God alone" (8:39). So now Muslims have to fight unbelievers until everyone worships only Allah.

But still I kept on reading, looking for that pluralism. And I found out that "the Jews say, 'God's hand is shackled!' It is their own hands that are shackled; and rejected [by God] are they because of this their assertion" (5:64). I also learned that "the Jews say, 'Ezra is God's son,'" which will come as news to us Jews, and then Allah says, "May God destroy them!" (9:30) Isn't the one speaking in the Qur'an supposed to be Allah alone, and Allah is supposed to be the only G-d? So whom is he asking to destroy the Jews?

Anyway, not only does this "right translation" ask G-d to destroy the Jews, but also tells Muslims to do it themselves: "fight against those who -- despite having been vouchsafed revelation [aforetime] -- do not [truly] believe either in God or the Last Day, and do not consider forbidden that which God and His Apostle have forbidden, and do not follow the religion of truth [which God has enjoined upon them], till they [agree to] pay the exemption tax with a willing hand, after having been humbled [in war]" (9:29).

Those who have been "vouchsafed revelation aforetime" are the Jews and Christians. The "Apostle" is Muhammad." So Muslims must fight Jews and Christians until they have been "humbled" and pay a special tax.

By that point I was so overwhelmed with all the pluralism and peace that I had to put Mike Ghouse's generous gift aside. But not to worry -- no longer do I struggle with keeping that heavy basement door open. Problem solved.

Pamela Geller is the publisher of and the author of the WND Books title Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance."


Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders false claims -

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Americans together on the road again


Americans together is a documentary about Americans working towards building a cohesive society, where no American would be apprehensive of the other and lives with a sense of safety, security and freedom.  It is a continuous dialogue to remove myths from the realities and bring about the positive change that we all want.

Our founding fathers laid the ground work for such a society, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Martin Luther King Jr. expressed that in his speech, “ I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

Chief Seattle (1854), a Native American said this perfectly, “All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the webs, he does it to himself." 
1. What are you doing to preserve that web?
2. What are your initiatives?
3. What are the divisive issues?
4. How would you allay the prevalent phobias and fears?
5. What is your vision for America?

All the Prophets, Messengers of God, Spiritual masters, Wise Men and Women and the Peace Makers believed in peaceful co-existence of humanity and consistently mitigated conflicts and nurtured goodwill amongst various groups. Their effort was to bring about a positive change and create a cohesive society where no one was to be apprehensive of the other.  
We have begun on our plan to interview and present different perspectives representing full spectrum of America. I have started out with the heads of major Muslim organizations and will be reaching out to every representation of America. It’s my commitment to work towards building a cohesive America.
We hope to document the efforts that go towards building an America that every one desires and is doing something about it. God willing this documentary will be released by next year at the Sharia Conference to be attended by political candidates, elected representatives, religious, civil, business and community leaders.

I am looking for stories where people have stood up for each other, did everything they can towards creating a better America. If you know someone who has a compelling story to tell, let me know. It has got to make people think, ponder and want to take an action. I am looking for partners to write script, find stories, fund and participate.

The purpose of “Americans Together” is to remove myths about each other in open discussion forums and provide a platform to build cohesiveness in our society and build a safe and secure America for every one of the 312 Million Americans.

Americans Together is an educational and pragmatic initiative to wean out myths from reality, which is hurting the social cohesiveness of America. The myths are vigorously propagated by a few insecure souls from among us to disrupt the delicate balance in our society by pitching one American against the other for their perceived gains.

Ever since we declared our independence, we have been tested time and again by various political, economic and religious forces to divide us, however, at the end we have come out strong as one nation.  Let’s take that first step in bringing a positive change through dialogue.



10/21:- I prayed for the well being of those who lost their lives and those who survived; those who are angry and those who are at peace; those who are hurt and those who are callous and those who want to bring goodness. I am deeply committed to the Unity Day USA and have been organizing the public event for the last 7 years, bringing Americans together.


10/21:- Sean Hannity andPamela Geller. Gave a copy of Quraan translation by Muhammad Asad to both of them and a copy of the book Peace by Josef Avesar. Off the show we talked about Sharia conference and my documentary Americans together.


10/21:- My friend Adil Khan and I prayed Juma congregational prayers at Park 51 Mosque. Insha Allah, the muslim community center will be built there. Met with Sharif El-Gamal and have a breaking news, he wants to Deed over the property to a Muslim Trust. Imam Feisal has stepped out of the project now.


10/15:- Awesome speech by President Obama at the unveiling of MLK statue across Jefferson Memorial. I was desperately looking for muslim presence to capture for the film, why were we not there?


10/20:- I wrote a piece on Occupy movement In Dallas Morning News, however I missed going there and was happy to hear a conversation about Muslim participation and Friday prayers. The man was talking with Sharif El Gamal and as I was introduced the stranger recognized my name with Pluralism, it was a big surprise.

Mike Ghouse is committed to building a cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day to the media and the public. He is a speaker thinker and a writer on the topics of pluralism, cohesive societies, Politics, Islam, interfaith, India and Peace. Over a thousand articles have been published on the topics and two of his books are poised to be released on Pluralism and Islam. Mike's work is reflected in 4 website's and 27 Blogs indexed at and you can find all of his current articles at

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

TEXAS FAITH: Why does a strong belief in heaven and hell motivate people?

Versions of Heaven and Hell
"The majority of people who absolutely believe in Heaven and Hell are always or often motivated by their faith to pursue excellence, which certainly would please most organization owners. This relationship is strongest among those who absolutely believe in Hell." 

Here is one of the 15 responses at Dallas Morning News;

MIKE GHOUSE, President, Foundation for Pluralism, Dallas

A strong belief in heaven and hell is clearly a motivating factor in one's life. The strength stems from clarity and doubtlessness which powers the individual's mind or heart to take the bold steps with least hesitancy, boosting one's self confidence and productivity in whatever he or she chooses to do.

It is another thing whether the hell and heaven are real tangible things. To many the descriptions in the Bible, Quraan, Torah, Bhagvad Gita, Avesta, Guru Granth Saheb and other holy books are real. For many others it signifies the essence of justice and balance, the idea of heaven and hell are behavior modifiers to some causing one to be a good human to fellow beings.

Yet, to some heaven and hell are what we go through in our solitude as a consequence of our behavior; actions, words and thoughts. Every one ultimately wants freedom, nirvana, Mukti, Moksha, Nijaat and salvation from misery and pain and falls on one of the pathways.

Indeed, the leap of faith is both productive and destructive. It is dangerous when a few in the Middle East teach their children to believe that there is a greater reward for them with God for establishing their version of righteousness causing the 9/11 and other killings. It is dangerous when a few among the right-wingers in the West use the pulpit to teach their congregants that the Mormons, Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Hindus and Buddhist are cults and false religions.

Both these extreme groups believe that others have to be wrong for them to be right resulting in crusades, the Holocaust, genocides, massacres and other atrocities. What an irony of belief.

On the other hand, a majority of goodness we see in the world is because of the same strength of belief in hell and heaven that motivates people to do the right thing. They serve and care for fellow beings without distinction.

I believe (non-empirically) that the destructive men are less than 1/10th of 1% of any group of people, be it religious, ethnic, racial or other uniqueness. They are the insecure folks, and it is the duty of society at large to bring them into the fold of co-existence; a living heaven for humanity. These folks need assurance that no one is bent on destroying them.

Most of us are reluctant deciders, and more often than not, we find relief when someone else makes the call. Whether it is a decision about a family member where doctors have given up and make suggestions to go the hospice route, stop feeding or a painful decision to divorce, we are eager to hear a confident assuring voice that the decision is the best given the situation, lifting a huge burden off us.

This is precisely the function of religion that I admire. When we know there is injustice, and lost hope in humanity, a faith in God restores one's ability to hold us together and free us from anxieties and apprehensions.

Fifteen Texas Faith Panelists respond here at Dallas Morning News:

# # #
Mike Ghouse is committed to building a cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day to the media and the public. He is a speaker thinker and a writer on the topics of pluralism, cohesive societies, Politics, Islam, interfaith, India and Peace. Over a thousand articles have been published on the topics and two of his books are poised to be released on Pluralism and Islam. Mike's work is reflected in 4 website's and 27 Blogs indexed at and you can find all of his current articles at  

Monday, October 10, 2011

Pastor Robert Jeffress and his bigotry

I am surprised that the Israel Lobby has spared this man. He has not spared Mormons, Muslims, Catholics, Jews, Buddhists and Hindus in his rants.
The intent of this piece is to understand Pastor Jeffress, unless more research is un-earthed, he seems to be another one of those Tiltons, Bakers et all duping his congregation with falsities in the name of Christ.

One listen to his sermon can unravel so much about this man.
I was in his Church on Sunday, September 12, 2010. He wanted 400 of his congregation members to sign up on the Pastors special committee; he would not proceed with the sermon unless he had the count. Their goal was to bring at least one potential convert to the church through the fall, spring and summer seasons.

He is an incredible mathematical genius – assuming he figured 2400 new converts at $ 1000 per head would give him in excess of $2million in revenues of which some will go to the expansion and the rest as a reward for his work. During his sermon he shared the story of one of the convert founders who had donated over a million dollars and continues to dole out the monies. The Pastor was seeing the rainfall of green bucks.

In his sermon he told that he would walk and put the fire out on a Jewish home, but on the 3rd day he said on Fox News that he refers to his sermon and because Muslim were listening to him, to look good, he falsified the statement and said  that he would put the fire out on a Muslim Home. Both the videos should be available on FSB site and of course Fox news.
In the same sermon he said, “No other religions teaches purpose of life, except Christianity”. Later on in the lobby I had a conversation with him – that Baha’i, Hindu and Islam and other faiths  teach the purpose of life – to serve God and his creation. I asked him if he had studied other religions to have made that claim. He simply ignored the question.  By the way, most clergy in most religions make the very same false exclusive claims. Shame on them for faking in the name of religion.

What made me visit the church with a fellow Muslim and a non-Baptist Christian was his comment a week earlier, “Quraan is an evil book written by a false prophet" and amazingly his congregation clapped and gave a standing ovation for a hateful speech in the name of Christ. I implored him to tell the truth or at least find the truth and share it with his congregation; he refused even to find the truth for his own congregation. In that speech, he was berating Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism and Judaism. I am really surprised how the Jewish community let him get away with it, he may be the only one or they may look to him as a looney barking aimlessly. I am glad the African Americans and Jewish Americans will nail any one for one wrong word against them; Muslims need to learn from them and not take the crap from these men.

Pastor Dr. Robert Jeffress did not take up my challenge to host the Quraan debate on his own turf. I offered him copies of the Quraan translation by Muhammad Asad, giving him the benefit of doubt that he may have read two false translations out of 25 some translations. Steve Blow of Dallas Morning News framed my interview very well, “In the Middle Ages, European leaders commissioned a hostile Quran translation to foster warfare against Muslim invaders. Later, Muslim leaders produced another translation to inflame Muslims against Christians and Jews.” I asked the Pastor to invite all the Islamophobes and do a conference and put the falsities behind and look for better relations.

He had the biggest challenge of his life and he chickened out. “Pastor, I will present the right Quraan translation to you, you gather all the Islamophobes and let’s have a talk. If you find three evil things in the Quraan, I will abandon my religion Islam and join your Church, the Baptist Church.” On the other hand I asked him, not to become a Muslim but join me in creating cohesive socieities by respecting the otherness of other, which was a call from Jesus Christ to create heaven on the earth; blessed are the peace makers". 
We did the most amazing conference on Quraan addressing difficult verses by Non-Muslims clergy bringing a graceful closure to Pastor Jeffress rants.

Myths are manufactured about others without any substantiation; it is an old business of maligning others to have a momentary gain. Quraan is challenged by Pastor Robert Jeffress, Pat Robertson, Terry Jones, Fred Phelps and others who have not made any effort to find the truth, let alone understand the book.

Ever since we declared our independence, we have been tested time and again by various political, economic and religious forces to divide us, however, at the end we have come out strong as one nation. The Civil War, the Great Depression, the World War, Pearl Harbor, Women’s rights, Abortion, the Vietnam War, Civil Rights, Budget Deficits, Unemployment, 9/11, the Iraq and Afghanistan War have all been difficult, but we will make it through and sanity will prevail. The Quraan conference, Understanding GLBT, Quraan, Anti-Semitism, race, gender and other issues are American issues and not Jewish, Muslim or African American issues. We understand that a few are committed to pitting one American against the other for their own gains.
As Americans Together, we will find solutions to the issues we face and we are indeed committed.

We have to find sustainable solutions by

Links in the article:

Mike Ghouse is committed to building a cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day to the media and the public. He is a speaker thinker and a writer on the topics of pluralism, cohesive societies, Politics, Islam, interfaith, India and Peace. Over a thousand articles have been published on the topics and two of his books are poised to be released on Pluralism and Islam. Mike's work is reflected in 4 website's and 27 Blogs indexed at and you can find all of his current articles at


Dr. Jeffress Tells The Truth About Islam – At the end of the video, his congregation claps for the hateful remarks by Jeffress.

Uploaded by firstbaptistdallas on Aug 23, 2010

By Patrick Williams Thursday, Sep 2 2010

Unedited: Dr. Robert Jeffress statements on Islam (same as above)

Posted on August 29, 2010 at 10:26 PM

Dr. Jeffress Responds to Dallas News Columnist
He claims to speak the truth...!

Uploaded by firstbaptistdallas on Sep 5, 2010

Dallas Pastor Defends Claim That Islam 'Promotes Pedophilia' (VIDEO)

An Open Letter to Rev. Robert Jeffress, FBC Dallas

Sunday Morning on Fox
Published: Sunday, 12 Sep 2010, 10:55 PM CDT

Posted by Richard Ray: Monday, 13 Sep 2010, 4:52 PM CDT

Published: 19 September 2010 02:28 AM

Mike Ghouse Challenges Quraan Translation with Pastor Robert Jeffress - 1 of 2 -

Uploaded by Pluralism center on Sep 17, 2010

Mike Ghouse Challenges Quraan Translation with Pastor Robert Jeffress - 2 of 2

Uploaded by Pluralism center on Sep 17, 2010

Mike Ghouse challenges Robert Jeffress

Monday, September 13, 2010

Islam is a false religion by a false prophet, unraveling the difficulties - Americans Together

Uploaded by Pluralism center on Nov 3, 2010

Americans have been challenged time and again - Americans Together -

Uploaded by Pluralism center on Nov 3, 2010

Americans need not live in fear of others - Americans together

Uploaded by Pluralismcenter on Nov 3, 2010

We have to build, rebuild and continuously build the social cohesiveness of our nation. Details at:

Perry's Values Voters Endorser: Islam is an "Evil, Evil Religion"

—By Tim Murphy Fri Oct. 7, 2011 6:29 PM PDT

Submitted by Brian Tashman on October 8, 2011 - 1:15pm

Jeffress on Mormons

By () on October 8, 2011

Jeffress: Mormonism from Pit of Hell

Uploaded by RWWBlog on Oct 8, 2011

Jeffress Calls Mormonism A Cult – Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism are all false religions

Richard Ray of Fox4 News interviewed me about Pastor Jeffress and the Quraan at 11:00 AM this morning, however due to time constraints, or other reasons they have edited out the critical points about killing the infidel and Quraan Translations. I will recreate that interview and post it on the web in a few days, right here.

The challenge is simple; I will present the right translations of the Qur'aan to Rev. Robert Jeffress in his congregation and challenge him to find 3 evil things about Quraan, if he does, I will go work for his ministry, if he does not, I ask of him to retract the thoughtless cavalier statements he made about Islam and Quraan, and take up the challenge of becoming a peace maker.

Thanks to the Islam bashers for telling me what is it that bothers them, they have time and again given me a list of about 60 verses, and I have made serious effort to address them most directly at: I have dealt with some of the Islamophobes who have made their business by maligning others including Islam, in this case. Look at their websites; they shamelessly ask for money, people should seriously debate if their money is going to bring peace or chaos.

Whether it is Pastor Jones, Jeffress, Phelps or Robertson, the media has failed to nail down the exact words or phrases that cause them to make such divisive declarations, and the unfinished business is frustrating the public.

America needs peacemakers who can boldly clarify the un-truths and myths about each other for the sake of peace. We owe peace and security to each one of the 301 Million Americans, our efforts ought to be directed so everyone us can live without fear, without harassment and without prejudices. My question to Pastors Jeffress, Jones, Phelps, Robertsons and their likes is this; Didn't Jesus pray and worked to create the kingdom of heaven on the earth, so all of us can live freely?

Some 2000 years ago, Jesus delivered the sermon "Blessed are the peace makers" on Mt. Beatitude, I was there and felt the power of that statement. I walked where Jesus walked on via Dela Rosa; I was baptized in the river Jordan where Jesus was baptized. Symbolically, I accepted Jesus’ message to become a peace maker by drenching myself in the holy water.

The role of people of religions is to mitigate conflicts and nurture goodwill. I ask Rev. Robert Jeffress, Rev. Pat Robertson, Rev. Fred Phelps and Rev. Terry Jones to walk the journey of peace with me.

Pastor, Muslims Meet to Discuss Quran
Published : Monday, 13 Sep 2010, 4:52 PM CDT

Richard Ray
FOX 4 News
Adapted for Web by Tracy DeLatte,

DALLAS - First Baptist Church of Dallas Pastor Robert Jeffress said he has no regrets about calling Islam an evil religion. But on Sunday he gave a warm welcome to a group of Muslims visiting his church.

It was an unusual meeting of the minds. A pair of Muslim leaders showed up unexpectedly wanting to talk to the pastor, not sure what kind of reception they’d get.

“We have some very special guests here this morning. Leaders, members of the Islamic faith in Dallas and I want you to join me in giving them the warmest First Baptist welcome you can,” Jeffress said to his congregation.

Muslim Mike Ghouse was part of that small delegation and afterward met with Jeffress to discuss the Quran.

“He asked us to stand up and there was a good welcome. It was beautiful. I really liked that,” Ghouse.

He is convinced that Jeffress and most Americans have only read mistranslations of the Quran, where ugly language about Christians and Jews has been incorrectly inserted.

“What he said about the Quran and Islam I agree with him. He has read the wrong translation. To find the truth, to be peacemakers, we have to find the truth for the sake of a secure America. His statements are divisive and offense,” Ghouse said.

A study last month by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life found that over the past five years the percentage of Americans with a positive view of Islam has dropped dramatically from 41 to 30 percent.

Jeffress said he enjoyed his meeting with Ghouse and the others, but still believes he has read an accurate translation. He expresses no regret for what he’s said about the religion.

“I have to regrets at all. I think some of my statements have been mischaracterized simply because the whole statement wasn’t given. I don’t believe most Muslims are terrorists. I don’t think most Muslims oppress women. But there is something within the religion of Islam itself that I believe incites violence,” he said.

Jeffress said he thinks he can disagree in a loving and kind way.

“I think we need to quit walking on egg shells. I think we do need to tell the truth. We tell it in love. But we still tell the truth,” he said.

Ghouse and the others involved in the meeting said they’d like to meet with Jeffress again in the future to have a deeper discussion.
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